Б.Э. Малюгин — выдающийся ученый, внесший существенный вклад в развитие офтальмологической науки, в разработку ее прикладных и фундаментальных аспектов.

Среди разрабатываемых тематик научных исследований наиболее существенными являются следующие:

  • создание новых методик экстракции катаракты и интраокулярной коррекции афакии в осложненных случаях,
  • разработка ряда оригинальных микрохирургических инструментов.
  • изучение проблем биосовместимости биополимеров с тканями глаза;
  • разработку и внедрение новых конструкций интраокулярных линз;
  • разработка технологий коррекции дислокаций естественных и искусственных хрусталиков глаза в условиях сопутствующей патологии глазного яблока;
  • разработка концепции ткане-сберегающих технологий замены роговицы на основе селективной трансплантации её отдельных клеточных компонентов (методики клеточной офтальмохирургии);
  • использование энергетической хирургии в офтальмо-трансплантологии включая фемтосекундные лазерные системы и модификации УФ кросслинкинга;
  • повышение эффективности фармакологической защиты тканей глаза в ходе оперативных вмешательств и решение проблем профилактики и коррекции послеоперационных воспалительных осложнений;
  • изучение ключевых аспектов патогенеза, диагностики и лечения ряда генетически детерминированных заболеваний роговицы (кератоконус, первичная эндотелиальная дистрофия роговицы Фукса);
  • изучение вопросов интраокулярной коррекции аномалий рефракции;
  • разработка метода эндоскопии в офтальмохирургии.

Ряд его разработок получили широкое распространение не только в Российской Федерации, но и во всем мире.

Малюгин Б.Э. имеет опыт успешной работы в качестве руководителя грантов РФФИ «Исследование биосовместимости роговичных имплантов из современных полимерных материалов (гидроксиэтилметакрилат, олигоуретанметакрилат, полиметилметакрилат) для коррекции аномалий рефракции и лечения кератэктазий различного генеза» (2015-2016); «Роль генетических и аутоиммунных факторов в патогенезе кератоконуса» (2018-2020).

Б.Э. Малюгин – автор более 500 научных работ, опубликованных в рейтинговых отечественных и зарубежных изданиях. Автор монографии «Хирургия катаракты с фемтосекундным лазером» (2021). Входит в авторские коллективы монографий «Фако-чоп и другие современные техники хирургии катаракты. Варианты стратегий хирургии осложненных катаракт» (2019), «Хирургия катаракты: клинико-фармакологические подходы» (2015), «Патологии роговицы: диагностика и лечение. Теория и клиническая практика» (2013), «Национального руководства по офтальмологии» (2008), «Анестезия в офтальмологии» (2007). Написал несколько десятков глав в зарубежных монографиях, атласах и практических руководствах.

Малюгин Б.Э. неоднократно выступал с докладами и лекциями на ведущих офтальмологических форумах в Российской Федерации и за рубежом.

Малюгин Б.Э. – основатель научной школы, под его руководством защищены 38 кандидатских и 4 докторских диссертационных работы. В настоящее время на разных стадиях подготовки находится целый ряд кандидатских и докторских диссертаций.

Малюгин Б.Э. является заместителем председателя Диссертационного Совета (Д.208.014.01) по присуждению ученых степеней доктора и кандидата медицинских наук при ФГАУ МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза». С 2015 года входит в состав Экспертного Совета ВАК по хирургическим наукам при Минобрнауки РФ.

Малюгин Б.Э. — главный редактор журналов «Офтальмохирургия» и «Современные технологии в офтальмологии», заместитель главного редактора журнала «Новое в офтальмологии», входит в редакционные коллегии ряда отечественных изданий «Мир офтальмологии», «Российская педиатрическая офтальмология», «Офтальмология». Член редакционных коллегий ряда ведущих международных журналов: «Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery», «EuroTimes», «EyeWorld», «Ophthalmology Times», «The Ophthalmologist», «Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today». Ассоциированный редактор онлайн журнала «Frontiers in Ophthalmology».

Является официальным рецензентом журналов: «American Journal of Ophthalmology», «Eye», «Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery», «Middle East-African Journal of Ophthalmology», «British Journal of Ophthalmology».

Малюгин Б.Э. на протяжении ряда лет является председателем и сопредседателем программных и организационных комиссий съездов Общества Офтальмологов и всероссийских конференций с международным участием «Фёдоровские чтения», «Современные технологии катарактальной, рефракционной и роговичной хирургии», «Современные технологии витреоретинальной хирургии», «Всероссийская конференция молодых офтальмологов».

Список диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора мед. наук, защищенных при научном консультировании проф. Б.Э. Малюгина:

  1. Гаджиева Саида Ариф кызы «Ультразвуковые методы исследования при факоэмульсификации незрелой старческой и осложненной катаракты с имплантацией интраокулярных линз различных модификаций»
  2. Измайлова Светлана Борисовна «Медико-технологическая система хирургического лечения прогрессирующих кератэктазий различного генеза»
  3. Копаев Сергей Юрьевич «Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование комбинированного использования неодимового ИАГ 1,44 мкм и гелий-неонового 0,63 мкм лазеров в хирургии катаракты»
  4. Паштаев Алексей Николаевич «Реабилитация пациентов с дистрофией эндотелия роговицы на основе задней послойной кератопластики с применением различных лазерных систем»

Список диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата мед. наук, защищенных под руководством проф. Б.Э. Малюгина:

  1. Морозова Татьяна Анатольевна «Результаты коррекции афакии мультифокальной интраокулярными линзами (Клинико-теоретическое исследование)
  2. Варлашкина Инесса Александровна «Сравнительная активность сочетаний дикаина, лидокаина, маркаина и производного имидазо(1,2-а) бензимидазола РУ-1117 с вискоэластиком Визитоном-ПЭГ при поверхностной анестезии переднего сегмента глаза»
  3. Тлишева Зарема Шумафовна «Местноанестезирующие свойства солей 2-(4-Р-Фенил)-1 диалкиламиноалкилимидазо (1,2-а) бензимидазолов»
  4. Сергеев Владимир Витальевич «Поиск и изучение производных пиразоло (1%-а) бензимидазола, обладающих местноанестезирующими свойствами»
  5. Антонян Сюзи Ашотовна «Клинико-функциональные результаты коррекции пресбиопии с использованием различных хирургических подходов
  6. Фадеева Татьяна Владимировна «Клинико-функциональные результаты факоэмульсификации с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы у пациентов с ранними формами возрастной макулярной дегенерации»
  7. Семикова Мария Валерьевна «Экспериментально-клиническое обоснование оптимизированной технологии факоэмульсификации с имплантацией ИОЛ на глазах с недостаточной диафрагмальной функцией радужки»
  8. Эль Маатауй Лейла Мохамедовна «Профилактика индуцированного и коррекция исходного роговичного астигматизма при факоэмульсифкации с имплантацией ИОЛ»
  9. Рахим Мохаммед Файез «Техника и результаты транссклеральной шовной фиксации заднекамерных моделей ИОЛ в осложненных случаях»
  10. Демьянченко Сергей Константинович «Клинико-теоретическое обоснование метода интраокулярной коррекции афакии асферическими ИОЛ»
  11. Исаев Мусса Абасович  «Исследование клинико-функциональных характеристик аккомодационной функции глаз пациентов с монофокальными ИОЛ различных конструкций»
  12. Головин Андрей Владимирович «Клинико-функциональные результаты микроинвазивной технологии факоэмульсификации с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы»
  13. Айба Эльвира Эдуардовна «Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование оптимизированной технологии передней глубокой послойной кератопластики у пациентов с кератоконусом»
  14. Дроздов Иван Владимирович «Хирургическое лечение эпителиально-эндотелиальной дистрофии роговицы методом задней автоматизированной послойной кератопластики с использованием ультратонких трансплантатов»
  15. Паштаев Алексей Николаевич «Глубокая передняя послойная фемтокератопластика в лечении пациентов с кератоконусом»
  16. Патахова Хадижат Магомедовна  «Результаты хирургической коррекции миопии высокой степени переднекамерными факичными интраокулярными линзами»
  17. Пронкина (Авраменко) Светлана Алексеевна  «Хирургическое лечение кератэктазий различного генеза методом интрастромальной кератопластики полимерными роговичными сегментами»
  18. Мерзлов Денис Евгеньевич «Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование оптимизированной технологии УФ-кросслинкинга в лечении кератоконуса»
  19. Кокин Сергей Андреевич «Клинико-функциональная оценка оптимизированного метода достижения прогнозируемой анизометропии при коррекции афакии монофокальными интраокулярными линзами»
  20. Чубарь Вероника Станиславовна «Возможности факоэмульсификации катаракты в нормализации внутриглазного давления при начальной стадии открытоугольной глаукомы на фоне псевдоэксфолиативного синдрома»
  21. Марцинкевич Александра Олеговна «Профилактика воспалительных осложнений после факоэмульсификации катаракты с имплантацией ИОЛ у больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа»
  22. Антонова Ольга Павловна «Современные аспекты диагностики и лечения первичной эндотелиальной дистрофии роговицы (Фукса)»
  23. Муравьев Сергей Вячеславович «Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование повышения гипотензивной эффективности непроникающей глубокой склерэктомии на основании каналодилятациии и дренирования склеральной полости в лечении первичной открытоугольной глаукомы»
  24. Поручикова Евгения Павловна «Разработка и конструирование роговичных сегментов для лечения кератэктазий различного генеза методом интрастромальной кератопластики»
  25. Горохова Мария Валерьевна «Кератопластика с использованием кросслинкинг модифицированного донорского материала у пациентов с язвами роговиц»
  26. Токмакова Александра Николаевна «Клинико-теоретическое обоснование имплантации интрастромальных роговичных сегментов с целью коррекции астигматизма после сквозной кератопластики у пациентов с кератоконусом»
  27. Анисимова Наталья Сергеевна «Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование оптимальной медикаментозной противовоспалительной терапии для профилактики миоза в ходе фемтолазер-ассистированной факоэмульсификации»
  28. Малютина Екатерина Алексеевна «Клинико-экспериментальное обоснование технологии хирургического лечения первичной эндотелиальной дистрофии роговицы фукса, сочетанной с катарактой на основе факоэмульсификации с имплантацией иол и центрального кругового десцеметорексиса»
  29. Семакина Анна Сергеевна «Имплантация эластичной зрачковой интраокулярной линзы после факоэмульсификации катаракты при обширных дефектах связочного аппарата хрусталика»
  30. Шилова Наталья Фёдоровна «Сравнительный анализ результатов задней послойной кератопластики с использованием фемтосекундного лазера и микрокератома»
  31. Агафонов Сергей Геннадиевич «Оптимизация технологии факоэмульсификации с имплантацией ИОЛ у пациентов после радиальной кератотомии»
  32. Семыкин Александр Юрьевич «Факоэмульсификация с интраокулярной коррекцией псевдофакичными торическими ИОЛ у пациентов с сочетанием катаракты и стабилизированного кератоконуса»
  33. Белодедова Александра Владимировна «Оптимизация диагностики и хирургического лечения кератоконуса на основе углубленного изучения генетических аспектов его патогенеза и фемто-ассистированной кератопластики»
  34. Энкина Анна Владимировна «Разработка и экспериментальное обоснование новой модели кератопротеза»
  35. Куликов Илья Викторович «Фемтолазер-ассистированная экстракция катаракты при подвывихе хрусталика I степени»
  36. Яровая Вера Андреевна «Прогностическая тонкоигольная аспирационная биопсия увеальной меланомы»
  37. Фомина Ольга Владимировна «Новый метод оценки зрительных функций после имплантации мультифокальных интраокулярных линз»
  38. Гелястанов Аслан Мухтарович «Разработка и клинико-экспериментальное обоснование ткане-сберегающего метода трансплантации эндотелия и Десцеметовой мембраны»

Именные лекции:

  1. Anila Khunteta Memorial Oration “My innovations in Ophthalmology” by Rajastan Ophthalmological Society (India) for 2021.
  2. The Jorn Boberg-Ans ХХIIth Memorial Lecture “Complicated Cataract Surgery: Ups and Downs” by the Danish Ophthalmological Society for 2021.
  3. The David Chang lecture by the Department of Ophthalmology University of California San Francisco (UCSF) 2020.
  4. The B. Gettes lecture “Cataract Surgery in Small Pupils. Are we happy with the options available?” Annual Wills Eye Hospital Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2018.
  5. The C. Binkhorst Medal Lecture “Cataract Surgery in High-Risk Eyes: Lessons Learned”. ESCRS Congress. 7-11 of October 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  6. The J. Pearce Medal Lecture “Cataract Surgery in Small Pupils. The Size That Really Matters” presented at the 41st United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (UKISCRS) Annual Meeting. 7-8 September 2017. Hinckley Leicestershire, UK.
  7. The V. Odintsov Memorial Lecture “Surgical tactics in patients with Fuch’s endothelial corneal dystrophy combined with cataract”. East-West Ophthalmological Congress, Ufa (Russia). June 9th 2017.
  8. The C. Binkhorst Medal Lecture “Cataract Surgery in Small Pupils: Building the Bridge Over Troubled Waters”. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
  9. The C. Kelman lecture. «Addiction to innovations». XIV-th International Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1- 4 June, 2016 São Paulo, Brazil
  10. The Dr. Om Prakash Oration for Cataract & Refractive Surgery «Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery: In History and Nowadays». Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
  11. The C. Kelman Lecture: «The passion for innovations: is it contagious? ». 29th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intra Ocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOISR), February 26th – March 1st, 2015. Athens, Greece.
  12. The S. Fyodorov Commemorative Lecture: «Fyodorov Legacy: Past, Present and Future». XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.

Ключевые лекции и доклады по приглашениям:

  1. “The Role of Anterior Vitreous Detachment in Cataract Surgery Capsular Complications”. Keynote Address. 78thAnnual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS), 13-16 February 2020, Gurugram, India
  2. “IFIS Update“. Keynote Address. 78thAnnual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS), 13-16 February 2020, Gurugram, India
  3. Managing the dislocated IOL: an algorithm. Keynote lecture Workshop: Managing the dislocated IOL. Atelier Ophthalmologie Practique Meeting. 9-11 January 2020. Porte Maillot, Paris, France
  4. AAO Symposium «Cataract Surgery: The Cutting Edge». Presentation «Pupil Expanders Update». American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA, USA.
  5. XVIIIth annual AAO Cataract Spotlight Symposium «My Top 5 Pearls». Presentation «Pseudoexfoliation & Zonulopathy». American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA. USA.
  6. Review of the data from the ESCRS Clinical Survey. MIGS Options for the Early to Moderate Glaucoma Patient. Symposium «Optimizing Combination Therapies and Modern MIGS for Early to Advanced Glaucoma». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  7. Subluxated lens management. ISRS symposium @ESCRS. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  8. Lens based surgery challenging case management. ISRS symposium @ESCRS. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  9. Complicated Femto-Cataract cases. Ziemer Evening Symposium «Science meet Jazz». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  10. Best of the Best Session. Presenter & Co-moderator. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  11. Intraocular surgery in the short eye. Main Symposium “Refractive Surgery for High Ametropia”. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  12. ASCRS Symposium Sweating Bullets: A New Competition». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
  13. ASCRS TOPGUN Symposium: Essential Pearls from the Best International Phaco Instructors. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
  14. Major Advances in Diagnostic and Surgical Devices for Cataract Surgery Over the Past Decade. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  15. Update on Small Pupil Cataract Surgery. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  16. How to deal with capsular complications. Video based ESCRS Symposium “Overcoming the challenges in cataract surgeries”. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  17. Long-term results of Descemetorhexis combined with phacoemulsification in patients with Fuch’s corneal dystrophy. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  18. Endothelial keratoplasty with manual and femtosecond laser-assisted technologies. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  19. Cataract surgery in compromised cornea. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  20. Surgical repair of post-traumatic iris defects. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  21. Malpositioned lenses: optimal surgical management techniques. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  22. Video case presentation. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  23. Near Live Surgery Session (HSIOIRS-ESCRS). Position: co-moderator. 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
  24. Main Symposium «Pearls for the Young Cataract Surgeon». Presentation «Mastering challenging cases». 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
  25. International Video Symposium. Presentation “Solutions for small pupil cataract surgery”. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmic Surgery “Challenge for the future”. 1-3 February 2019, Yokohama, Japan.
  26. International Video Symposium. Presentation “FLACS in complicated cases”. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmic Surgery “Challenge for the future”. 1-3 February 2019, Yokohama, Japan.
  27. Lecture: Update on Small Pupil Cataract Surgery. 31st Ateliers d’Ophtalmologie Pratique meeting. 14-15 December 2018, Paris, France.
  28. IOL Fixation in Deficient Capsule support. 31st Ateliers d’Ophtalmologie Pratique meeting. 14-15 December 2018, Paris, France.
  29. ESCRS Binkhorst Lecture “Cataract Surgery in high-risk eyes: lessons learned”. 40th Anniversary of the Netherlands Intraocular Implant Club (NIOIC) 23-25 November 2018. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  30. Debates with experts. My experience in difficult cataract cases. 31st Ateliers d’Ophtalmologie Pratique meeting. 14-15 December 2018, Paris, France.
  31. Cataract Surgery Battle: Cataracts with dislocations and subluxations; Cataract and strong hypermetropia; Cataract and aniridia. 31st Ateliers d’Ophtalmologie Pratique meeting. 14-15 December 2018, Paris, France.
  32. The Premium Cataract Forum. Position: Chairman & Moderator. 9th of November 2018. The Royal Society, London, UK.
  33. ASCRS Binkhorst Lecture “Small pupils: Building the bridge over the troubled waters». 40th Anniversary of the Netherlands Intraocular Implant Club (NIOIC)
  34. 23-25 November 2018. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  35. “Cataract surgery in compromised cornea”. Keynote presentation. 52nd National Congress of Turkish Ophthalmological Association & Turkish Society of Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 14-17 November 2018, Antalya, Turkey.
  36. “Solutions for Small Pupil in in Cataract Surgery”. Keynote presentation. 52nd National Congress of Turkish Ophthalmological Association & Turkish Society of Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 14-17 November 2018, Antalya, Turkey.
  37. Symposium “Cataract surgery in challenging cases”. Presentation “FLACS in complicated cases“.52nd National Congress of Turkish Ophthalmological Association & Turkish Society of Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 14-17 November 2018, Antalya, Turkey.
  38. Symposium «Cataract Surgery: The Cutting Edge». Presentation «Pupil Expanders». American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018, Chicago, IL, USA.
  39. AAO Ophthalmic Premier League Symposium. Presentation: Problems and solutions with the Malyugin ring for small pupils. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018, Chicago, IL, USA.
  40. Symposium «Spotlight on Cataract Complications: Pressure Cooker-Managing Nerve-racking Complications» Position: panelist. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018, Chicago, IL, USA.
  41. MST ESCRS Satellite Luncheon. Position: co-moderator; presenter. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
  42. ESCRS Video Symposium on Surgical Complications «You Make the Call». Position: panelist. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
  43. Symposium «Optimizing Combination Therapies and Modern MIGS for Early to Advanced Glaucoma». Position: Co-moderator; presenter. «MIGS Options for the Early to Moderate Glaucoma Patient». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
  44. Ziemer Evening Symposium «Science meet Jazz». Complicated Femto-Cataract cases. Position: presenter. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  45. ISRS Symposium. Presentation «Subluxated lens management». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  46. «Best of the Best» Symposium. Position: co-chairman, presenter. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  47. The Belt and the Road Forum. Endothelial keratoplasty: manual and femtosecond laser assisted technologies. 23rd Congress of the Chinese Ophthalmological Society (CCOS). 12-16 September 2018, Hangzhou, China.
  48. The Belt and the Road Forum. FLACS in Complicated Cases. 23rd Congress of the Chinese Ophthalmological Society (CCOS). 12-16 September 2018, Hangzhou, China.
  49. Guest Lecture “Complicated Cataract Surgery with FLACS”. 3rd Georgian Ophthalmological Society & SOE joint meeting. June 30th — 1th July 2018. Tbilisi, Georgia.
  50. Translational Vision Summit. Presentation “Major Advances in Diagnostic and Surgical Devices for Cataract Surgery Over the Past Decade”. 36th World Ophthalmology Congress. 16-19 June 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
  51. Invited Symposium. Challenging Cases in Cataract Surgery. BSOS Video Symposium. Presentation «Cataract Complicated with Severe Zonular Dialysis». 36th World Ophthalmology Congress. 16-19 June 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
  52. Invited Symposium. Cataract Surgery Olympics @WOC 2018. Team Europe/Middle East. Position: Captain & Presenter. 36th World Ophthalmology Congress. 16-19 June 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
  53. Invited Symposium «Advanced Techniques in Conventional and Complicated Cataract Surgery Cases» Organized jointly by Russian & Polish Ophthalmology Societies (RSO & PTO). Position: Chairman & Presenter. 36th World Ophthalmology Congress. 16-19 June 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
  54. Invited Symposium: IOL Fixation with Deficient Capsular Support. Position: Chair & Presenter. Presentation «IOL Fixation with Capsule Supporting Devices». 36th World Ophthalmology Congress. 16-19 June 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
  55. Lecture «Pupil expanders for cataract surgery — are we happy with the options available?». Round table “Gadgets and devices for ophthalmic surgery”. 51st PanHellenic Ophthalmology Congress. May 31st to June 2nd, 2018. Thessaloniki, Greece.
  56. Lecture “FLACS in complicated cases”. 51st PanHellenic Ophthalmology Congress. May 31st to June 2nd, 2018. Thessaloniki, Greece.
  57. Video Symposium “Dilemmas in Cataract Surgery”. Position: presenter & discussant. The Royal College of Ophthalmology Meeting. May 2018, Liverpool, UK.
  58. Lecture, “Complicated cataract surgery with FLACS”. Seminar “Recent Cataract Surgery in Each Country”. 122nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society. 19-22 of April 2018, Osaka, Japan
  59. “Management of Iris Trauma During Phaco” ASCRS Symposium “Sweating Bullets!”. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA.
  60. “Laser cataract surgery in complicated cases”. DGII congress. Dresden 2018.
  61. “The constricting pupil”. Main Symposium “Keep calm: stress management in cataract surgery”. Winter ESCRS Meeting, 9-11 February 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
  62. “Pre-Operative Tools & Diagnostics: Improved Treatment Planning for Toric IOLs”. ESCRS Educational Program Symposium «The Refractive IOL Forum». Winter ESCRS Meeting, 9-11 February 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
  63. Russian Revolutions: Ophthalmic Innovations in the View of the Modern World Challenges. 10th Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium, 27-28 January 2018, Royal College of Physicians of London, UK.
  64. What the glaucoma surgeon can learn from the cataract surgeon. 10th Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium, 27-28 January 2018, Royal College of Physicians of London, UK.
  65. «Pupil Devices» at the Symposium “Cataract Surgery: The Cutting Edge”. AAO Congress. November 11-14, 2017 New Orleans, USA
  66. Video presentation at the Symposium “Ophthalmic Premier League: A Team Video Competition on Managing Cataract Complications”. AAO Congress. November 11-14, 2017 New Orleans, USA.
  67. «IOL Fixation with Zonulopathy» at the Symposium “Spotlight on Cataract Complications”. AAO Congress. November 11-14, 2017 New Orleans, LA
  68. «Pupil reconstruction». Clinical Research Symposium «The Pupil in Cataract and Refractive Surgery». 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
  69. «Complex cataract cases with the Ziemer Z8 LDV». Lunch Symposium. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
  70. «Visionary Cataract & Refractive Techniques. Explore with us» Lunchtime Symposium. Position: Moderator. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
  71. ESCRS Video Symposium on Surgical Complications «You Make the Call». Position: Panelist. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
  72. «Building the New Eye» Symposium co-chairperson. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
  73. «Best of the Best» Review Session. Symposium Co-chairperson & Presenter. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
  74. «Presbyopia: more than just Lenses?». Symposium Chair. Ophthalmology Futures European Forum. 5th of October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
  75. «Pearls for Innovation». Round table discussion. Position: panelist. Ophthalmology Futures European Forum. 5th of October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
  76. Ectopia lentis and its surgical management. Keynote lecture. 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Pediatric Ophthalmological Society. 31 August – 2 September 2017. Oxford, UK
  77. What to do — DMEK or DSAEK for patients with endothelial dystrophies? Keynote address: Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society India. Annual Conference. September 2017, New Delhi.
  78. Cataract surgery in zonular deficiency. XVII-th Biennial Congress South African Cataract and Refractive Surgery Society (SASCRS). 26-29 July 2017, Durban, South African Republic.
  79. Dealing with Vitreous. Symposium «Wisdom from the Kung Fu Masters» 30th APACRS Annual meeting, 1-3 June 2017, Hangzhou, China
  80. Malyugin Ring 2.0 Surgical Technique and Tips». Symposium «Innovations & New Technologies – The Way Forward». 30th APACRS Annual meeting, 1-3 June 2017, Hangzhou, China
  81. Debate II: Femtosecond assisted cataract surgery must be available for the modern ophthalmologist: “No”. 8th World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). 30 March – 1 April 2017. Madrid, Spain.
  82. Debate III: Multiple intravitreous injections increases risks encountered during cataract surgery “Yes”. 8th World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). 30 March – 1 April 2017. Madrid, Spain.
  83. Advanced cataract surgery techniques for patients with zonular weakness and dialysis. Cataract workshop lecture. 19th Advanced Ophthalmology Practice (AOP) meeting. 9-10 December 2016, Palais Brongniart, Paris, France.
  84. Update on small pupil cataract surgery & IFIS. International perspectives lecture on cataract and corneal surface surgery. 19th Advanced Ophthalmology Practice (AOP) meeting. 9-10 December 2016, Palais Brongniart, Paris, France.
  85. The Cataract Update Lecture «Complicated cataract surgery: how can we calm the troubled waters» 48th Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), Melbourne, Australia, November 2016.
  86. Descemetorhexis without endothelial transplantation vs DMEK. Clinical Controversies and Updates plenary lecture. 48th Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), Melbourne, Australia, November 2016
  87. Small pupil and IFIS. Registrars’ Club Meeting lecture. 48th Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), Melbourne, Australia, November 2016
  88. Zonular weakness & dialysis. Registrars’ Club Meeting lecture. 48th Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), Melbourne, Australia, November 2016
  89. Small Pupils in Conventional Phaco and FLACS. Guest Lecture. EyeAdvance Congress, 17 -19 June, 2016 Mumbai, India
  90. Cataract Surgery Techniques in Compromised Zonular Support. Keynote Lecture. EyeAdvance Congress, 17 -19 June, 2016 Mumbai, India
  91. IFIS update. Keynote address. Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
  92. Toric IOLs in keratoconus patients. 49th National Congress Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Istanbul, November 2015.
  93. Pupil issues in FLACS. 49th National Congress Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Istanbul, November 2015.
  94. Robotic surgery. Symposium «Ophthalmology 2030». Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Meeting, New Delhi, October 2015.
  95. Small pupil techniques with conventional phaco & FLACS. Introductory Lecture at the Opening Ceremony of 16th Congress of Serbian Ophthalmologists. Subotica, 24-27 September 2015.
  96. Small pupil cataract surgery and anterior segment reconstruction. Invited lecture. Live Surgery Congress, Lublin, Poland, January 30th –February 1st, 2015.
  97. Pupil Expanders. Malyugin Ring. President’s Guest Lecture. 73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. February 5-7, 2015, New Delhi, India.
  98. Surgical Tactics in Hereditary & Acquired Zonular Deficiency. President’s Guest Lecture. 73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. February 5-7, 2015, New Delhi, India.
  99. International Guest of Honor Lecture for the 2015 Meeting “Cataract Surgery: Telling It Like It Is!”. January 2015, Sarasota, FL, USA.
  100. Cataract surgery in acquired and hereditary zonular pathology”. Keynote lecture at the Oxford Eye Hospital Cataract Surgery symposium. November 3rd
  101. Small pupil phaco techniques. Keynote lecture. The Oxford Eye Hospital Cataract Surgery Symposium. November 3rd
  102. Hawaiian Eye Foundation International Award for Excellence Lecture «Small pupils: Does size really matter?» Hawaiian Eye Meeting. Kauai, January 2014.
  103. Lecture “Surgical strategies for dealing with small pupils”. 47th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, 6–10 of November 2013.
  104. “Small pupils: Does size really matter?” Southern California Cornea Society Journal Club’s Premiere Meeting. Los Angeles (USA), July 2013.
  105. “Cataract Surgery in hereditary and acquired Zonular Deficiency”. 44th Congress of the Polish Society of Ophthalmology. 13-15 June 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
  106. “Small pupil cataract surgery techniques”. 27th Congress of the German speaking society for intraocular lens-implantation
and refractive surgery (DGII). 11-13 April 2013, Heidelberg, Germany.
  107. Cataract surgery in hereditary and acquired zonular deficiency with the modified CTR. 27th Congress of the German speaking society for Intraocular lens-implantation
and refractive surgery (DGII). 11-13 April 2013, Heidelberg, Germany.
  108. Endoscopy-Assisted IOL Suturing. 25th Saudi Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Riyadh, KSA, March 2013.
  109. Ultra Thin DSAEK: Technique and Results. 25th Saudi Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Riyadh, KSA, March 2013.
  110. Techniques of Phacoemulsification in Small Pupils. 25th Saudi Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Riyadh, KSA, March 2013.
  111. Cataract Surgery in Severe Zonular Deficiency. 25th Saudi Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Riyadh, KSA, March 2013.
  112. New Generation of Multifocal IOL’s — Gradient Refractive Index Optics. 25th Saudi Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Riyadh, KSA, March 2013.
  113. AOI Inaugural Lecture. «Cataract Surgery Techniques in Patients with Small Pupils». 28th APAO-AIOS Congress, Hyderabad, India, January 2013.
  114. Keynote Lecture «Cataract Surgery in Patients with Small Pupils: Malyugin Ring». Japanese Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JSCRS) meeting, 14-17 June 2012, Tokyo.
  115. Facoemulsficação on pupil miotic. XII International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 30th May – 2nd of June, 2012. Anhembi Parque, São Paulo, Brazil.
  116. Cataract Surgery in crystalline lens sub-luxatons. XII International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 30th May – 2nd of June, 2012. Anhembi Parque, São Paulo, Brazil.
  117. New phaco technique in patients with hereditary and acquired zonular pathology. 26th HSIOIRS Meeting, Athens, 1-4 March 2012.
  118. Cataract surgery techniques in patients with small pupils. 26th HSIOIRS Meeting, Athens, 1-4 March 2012.
  119. Round Table on Refractive Surgery. The role of phakic IOLs in modern refractive surgery. 26th HSIOIRS Meeting, Athens, 1-4 March 2012.
  120. Cataract surgery techniques in small pupils. Web transmission lecture to the AIOC 2012, February 2012, Cochin, India.
  121. Presentation: «Ring a ring a roses: zonulopathy». Session «Dead ends: What’s Now?». WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  122. Presentation: «Small Pupil Management». Recorded Live Surgery Session. Position: Invited speaker. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  123. Ophthalmic Premier League Session. Video: «PC rupture what’s then?» Position: Vice-Captain, The Bursting Buccaneers Team. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  124. Malyugin B. Cataract Surgery techniques in Small Pupil. APACRS President’s Symposium «Pursuit of perfection». 24th APACRS Annual meeting in conjunction with the 2011 KSCRS Symposium (13-16 October Seoul, Korea).
  125. Malyugin Ring Techniques. 74th Canadian Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Vancouver, June 2011.
  126. Pearls on the use of the Malyugin Ring. 74th Canadian Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Vancouver, June 2011.
  127. Phaco in Hereditary and Acquired Zonular Deficiency With a new CTR. 74th Canadian Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Vancouver, June 2011.
  128. Comparison of multifocal optics design: Past, present and future. 74th Canadian Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Vancouver, June 2011.
  129. Techniques in small pupil cataract surgery. Congress of the FSCRS (Finnish Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons), May 2011.
  130. Cataract surgery in patients with zonular dialysis with the modified CTR. Congress of the FSCRS (Finnish Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons), May 2011.
  131. Cataract Surgery in Complicated Cases. Grand Round of the John Moran Eye Center/University of Utah School of Medicine. March 30th, 2011.
  132. Surgical solutions for patients with cataract and small pupil. VIII-th Slovenian Congress of Ophthalmology Society. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9-11 December 2010.
  133. Cirugía Combinada de Catarata y Glaucoma (Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery). XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia. August, 2010.
  134. Faco en Pupila Pequeña — Anillo de Malyugin (New technique of phaco surgery in a small pupils — Malyugin Ring). XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia. August, 2010.
  135. LIO Escleral Suturado Asistido por Microendoscopia. (Microendoscopy-assisted IOL scleral suturing). XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia. August, 2010.
  136. Cirugía Microincisional de Cristalino Subluxado con Anillo de Tension Capsular — Malyugin Modificado (Microincisional surgery of subluxated lenses with the modified capsular tension ring). XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia. August, 2010.
  137. Invited lecture: case presentation. Ophthalmic Premier League session.- WOC. Berlin, June 2010.
  138. Invited lecture: Small pupils.- Berlin, June 2010.
  139. Small pupil phaco techniques: a step-by-step algorithm. CIRP, 2010 Algarve, Portugal.
  140. Cataract surgery in complicated cases. SAFIR meeting, Paris, May 2010.
  141. Surgical options with narrow pupil and floppy iris syndrome. 24th DGII Congress. February 2010. Cologne, Germany.
  142. Small pupil surgery comes in from the cold. Conference “Trends In Ophthalmology”. London, February 2010.
  143. Keynote address: Long-term results of corneal-prosthetic complex transplantation. 68th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society in conjunction with Afro Asian Congress of Ophthalmology. January 21-24, 2010, Kolkata, India.
  144. Modern Trends In Cataract Surgery. “Updates In Ophthalmology” — Congress of Ukrainian Association of Ophthalmology. Kiev, September 2008.
  145. Cataract Surgery in Small Pupils. IX-th International Congress of the Polish Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Warsaw, September 2008.
  146. 8 mm vs 2.8 mm Coaxial Cataract Surgery. IX-th International Congress of the Polish Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Warsaw, September 2008.
  147. Video “Microendoscopy Assisted IOL Scleral Fixation”. Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgeons (HSIOIRS) Greece, Athens, 2008.
  148. Clinical experience with Stellaris and 1.8mm coaxial MICS. Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgeons (HSIOIRS) Greece, Athens, 2008.
  149. New technique for small pupil phaco cases. Meeting of the Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (BSCRS), Brussels, 2008.
  150. Scleral IOL fixation. Meeting of the Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (BSCRS), Brussels, 2008.
  151. Microendoscopic approach in transscleral IOL suturing. II-nd International Congress on Pediatric Cataract Surgery. Odessa, Ukraine, 2007.
  152. Small pupil phaco with iris ring. XIV Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology (AACO), Marrakesh, Morocco 2007.
  153. Multifocal IOL with gradient refractive index optics. National Ophthalmology Congress. Eilat, Israel, 2007.
  154. Technique to manage unpredictable pupil in phaco. Netherlands Intra Ocular Implant Club (NIIOIC), Den Haague, Netherlands, 2006.
  155. Endoscopic approach in transscleral suturing of malpositioned IOLs. Netherlands Intra Ocular Implant Club (NIIOIC), Den Haague, Netherlands, 2006.
  156. Clinical experience with gradient refractive index IOLs. EyeAdvance-2006 Congress. Mumbai, India, 2006
  157. Updates and future developments in cataract surgery and IOL implantation. Regional Ophthalmology Congress. Charbin, China, 2006.
  158. Up-dates on Combined Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery. Egyptian Society of Cataract and Corneal Diseases (ESCACOD), Egypt, Luxor, 2005.
  159. Combined Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery. EyeAdvance-2004 Congress. Mumbai, India, 2004. Egyptian Society of Cataract and Corneal Diseases (ESCACOD), Egypt, Luxor, 2005.
  160. Viscoanesthesia in cataract surgery. 37th Turkish Ophthalmology Society Congress. Istanbul, Turkey, 2003.

Доклады на международных конгрессах:

1. How to adapt to poor pupillary distension? Cataract battle. Ateliers d’Ophthalmologie Pratique Meeting. 9-11 January 2020. Porte Maillot, Paris, France.
2. How to manage a fragile zonule? Cataract battle. Ateliers d’Ophthalmologie Pratique Meeting. 9-11 January 2020. Porte Maillot, Paris, France.
3. Boris Malyugin. Update on Pupil Expansion Devices. Cataract Webinar for AOP Academy. Ateliers d’Ophthalmologie Pratique Meeting. 9-11 January 2020. Porte Maillot, Paris, France
4. Clinical Results of Secondary Bi-planar IOL Implantation in Patients with Bag-IOL Complex Dislocation (Co-authors: A.Semakina, E.Panteleev; D.Pokrovskiy) . ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
5. Intraoperative Aqueous Misdirection Syndrome: Wieger’s Ligament Insufficiency — New Risk Factor for PC Rupture during Phacoemulsification. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
6. Clinical and functional results following femtosecond laser-assisted DSEK vs microkeratome-assisted DSAEK surgeries: a comparative study (Co-authors: N.Shilova, N. Anisimova, B. Malyugin). 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
7. Wieger’s ligament insufficiency: risk factor for intraoperative complications during phacoemulsification (Co-authors: N.Anisimova, N. Shilova, A. Belodedova, B. Malyugin). 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
8. A mathematical and computer simulation model of floppy iris syndrome and the impact of pupil size and ring devices on iris displacement. (Co-authors: D. Lockington, Z. Wang, N. Qi, B. Malyugin, C. Wang, H. Tang, K. Ramaesh). 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
9. Clinically significant intraoperative miosis in FLACS: risk factors and NSAID topical pretreatment impact. Free paper (Co-authors: Anisimova N., Arbisser L., Sobolev N., Malyugin B.). 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
10. Grading in corectopia: a novel classification system. Free paper (Co-authors: Anisimova N., Malyugin B.). 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
11. Intraoperative Descemet’s membrane unfolding manipulations and long term endothelial cell loss after DMEK. Poster (Co-authors: Antonova O., Malyugin B., Gelyastanov A.). 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
12. Refractive results following phacoemulsification combined with posterior lamellar keratoplasty: femto-DSEK vs DSAEK – a comparative study. Poster (Co-authors: Shilova N., Malyugin B., Antonova O.). 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 22-25 September 2018, Vienna, Austria.
13. Endothelial Keratoplasty: Variations, Indications and Clinical Results. 3rd Georgian Ophthalmological Society & SOE joint meeting. June 30th — 1th July 2018. Tbilisi, Georgia.
14. Simultaneous Pupil Expansion and Displacement Technique for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Patients with Lens Ectopia. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
15. Comparison of corneal biomechanical properties of bullous keratopathy corneas following DMEK to their contralateral healthy cornea by ocular response analyzer (Co-authors: Shilova N., Nahum Y., Adler A., Bahar I., Malyugin B., Livny E). Winter ESCRS Meeting, 9-11 February 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
16. Cataract surgery in patients with Fuch’s endothelial dystrophy (Co-authors: Malyugin B., Antonova O.). 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
17. «FLACS technique in patients with insufficient mydriasis». Free paper. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
18. «Capsular bag distention syndrome: case series and management strategies». (Co-author: A. Vlasenko) 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.
19. Robotic Ophthalmic Surgery. An update. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society India. Annual Conference. September 2017, New Delhi.
20. FLACS in small pupils. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society India. Annual Conference. September 2017, New Delhi.
21. Keratoconus and high astigmatism in ESCRS Academy «Toric Lenses in Clinical Practice». XVII-th Biennial Congress South African Cataract and Refractive Surgery Society (SASCRS). 26-29 July 2017, Durban, South African Republic.
22. Optic capture after intra-scleral 3-piece IOL haptic fixation. ESCRS Symposium «Dilemmas in Cataract Surgery». XVII-th Biennial Congress South African Cataract and Refractive Surgery Society (SASCRS). 26-29 July 2017, Durban, South African Republic.
23. Central Circular Descemetorhexis Without Endothelial Transplantation in Patients with Fuchs Corneal Dystrophy. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
24. Clinical Outcomes of a Modified (endothelium-inside roll) DMEK. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
25. MST: the Malyugin Ring 2.0. Session “Cataract Surgery and Small Devices”. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
26. Best of ASCRS General Session. Position: Discussant. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
27. «Modified DMEK with Endothelium-in Roll». Symposium «Cornea Crossroads». 30th APACRS Annual meeting, 1-3 June 2017, Hangzhou, China
28. “Hard cataract, PC rupture” Ophthalmic Premier League. 32nd APAO Congress, March, 2017 Singapore.
29. “Repair after Traumatic Lens Dislocation” Symposium IOL Fixation with Deficient Capsular Support. 32nd APAO Congress, March, 2017 Singapore.
30. “Pseudoexfoliation/Weak Zonules” Symposium: Complicated Phaco Cases — My Top 5 Pearls. 32nd APAO Congress, March, 2017 Singapore.
31. “FLACS Complications”. Symposium: Femtosecond Laser in Cataract Surgery. 32nd APAO Congress, March, 2017 Singapore.
32. “Customized Astigmatism Correction at the Lenticular Plane”. Symposium: Combined Astigmatism Correction with Phaco. 32nd APAO Congress, March, 2017 Singapore.
33. «DMEK and DSAEK in Fuch’s corneal endothelial dystrophy» Russian Society of Ophthalmologists Symposium «Russian Cornea». 75th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society 16-19 February 2017, Jaipur, India.
34. Descemet’s membrane glued to the iris during DMEK. Cornea Day Clinical Case. ESCRS 21st winter meeting, Maastricht, February 2017.
35. Why Stellaris Is My Phaco Machine of Choice? B+L Symposium. 48th Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), Melbourne, Australia, November 2016
36. «My Top 5 Pearls». 15th Annual AAO Cataract Spotlight Symposium. Position: Panelist & Discussant . AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
37. New Pupil Expanders. Cutting Edge Symposium. AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
38. Circular Descemeto-rhexis Without Endothelial Keratoplasty in Fuchs Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy. AAO Poster Session. AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
39. «IOLMaster 700 fixation check». C.ZEISS Meet the Expert Session. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
40. Optimizing workflow for a busy cataract practice. C.ZEISS Cataract Innovation Symposium. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
41. Clinical outcomes of central circular descemetorhexis without endothelial transplantation in patients with Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
42. Clinical outcomes of UT-DSAEK and modified (endothelium-inside roll) DMEK. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
43. Small pupil and FLACS. MST Lunch Symposium. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
44. ESCRS ‘Video Symposium on Surgical Complications’ (You make the call). Position: panelist. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
45. Hard cataract, vitreous loss (video presentation). Getting into trouble? Video session: when cataract surgery goes wrong: how to deal with it. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
46. Overview of ESCRS Congress. «Best of the Best» session. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
47. Surgical options for traumatic partial and total aniridia. Focus Session «Aniridia». VII-th EUCORNEA Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
48. Capsule centered IOL. Position: Symposium Chairman. Ophthalmology Futures European Forum. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
49. “Aqueous misdirection/choroidal haemorrhage”. ESCRS Symposium ‘Stepping Back from the Brink of Disaster’. EyeAdvance Congress, 17 -19 June, 2016 Mumbai, India
50. “Lens subluxation during surgery“. ESCRS Symposium ‘Stepping Back from the Brink of Disaster’. EyeAdvance Congress, 17 -19 June, 2016 Mumbai, India
51. Intracapsular IOL Fixation In Patient With PC Rupture: Surgical Options. XIV-th International Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1- 4 June, 2016 São Paulo, Brazil
52. Toric IOLs in keratoconus patients. XIV-th International Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1- 4 June, 2016 São Paulo, Brazil
53. Iris Expansion Devices. XIV-th International Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1- 4 June, 2016 São Paulo, Brazil
54. Challenging video case presentation. World Cup on Challenging Cases. XIV-th International Congress of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1- 4 June, 2016 São Paulo, Brazil
55. Symposium «Strange but true». Position: panelist & discussant. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
56. Symposium «The 2016 Cataract Surgery Olympics». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
57. Hot off the Press General Session «The Best of ASCRS 2016». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
58. Free paper (presenter) «Results of phacoemulsification and toric IOL implantation in patients with stable keratoconus». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
59. Free paper (presenter) «Pupil dynamics in FLACS». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
60. Free paper (co-author) «Comparative Analysis of clinical and functional outcomes and quality of life assessment after bi- and trifocal IOL implantation». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
61. Free paper (co-author) «Rotational stability of biplanar IOL with iridocapsular fixation in eyes with severe zonular defects». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
62. Free paper (co-author) «Functional results after implantation of the Gradient Multifocal IOLs with different add powers». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
63. «7 tips for cataract surgery in patients with corneal disease». Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
64. «Pupil Expanding Devices: Malyugin Ring». Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
65. «How to manage small pupil in various phacoemulsification scenarios». Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
66. «Robotic Cataract Surgery & FLACS». Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
67. «DMEK: endothelium-inside roll technique» (Co-author — Olga Antonova). Delhi Ophthalmology Society Meeting «DOSCON 2016: Ophthalmic Panorama». 16-17 April 2016. New Delhi, India.
68. «Nobody is perfect. PCCC isn’t an exception». Debate: Posterior capsulorhexis as the best method preventing secondary cataract. 7th World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). Warsaw, Poland, March 31-April 3, 2016
69. «DSAEK». Debate: Endothelium Lamellar Keratoplasties. 7th World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). Warsaw, Poland, March 31-April 3, 2016
70. «Malyugin and other rings». Debate: Management of the small pupil/IFIS. 7th World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). Warsaw, Poland, March 31-April 3, 2016
71. “Cataract surgery in zonular dialysis and weakness. An update”. 29th Congress of the Moroccan Society of Ophthalmology (SMO), Marrakesh, 18-20 February 2016.
72. “Small pupils: hooks, rings, and other techniques”. 29th Congress of the Moroccan Society of Ophthalmology (SMO), Marrakesh, 18-20 February 2016.
73. “PC rupture: how to convert the hole to posterior capsulorhexis?”. 29th Congress of the Moroccan Society of Ophthalmology (SMO), Marrakesh, 18-20 February 2016.
74. «PC and AC malpositioned aphakic IOL explantation». Symposium «Explantations of Ocular Implants». Presentation ESCRS 20th winter meeting, Athens, February 2016.
75. «Is Phaco Energy Necessary at All? Sub US Energy Achievements». Invited symposium “New Technologies for Cataract Removal”. World Ophtalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February, 2016.
76. «IFIS / Small Pupil». Invited symposium “Complicated Phaco Cases — My Top 5 Pearls”. World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February, 2016.
77. “Learning New Technology Using the Wetlab System at the Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex”. Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis Symposium “How do we learn best? How do we stay up to date with rapidly developing technology? World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February, 2016.
78. Invited Video Symposium “Cataract Surgery Olympics – WOC Mexico 2016”. Role: Invited speaker, team leader. World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February, 2016.
79. “Capsule Tension Rings Revisited”. Invited Symposium: «IOL Fixation with Deficient Capsular Support». World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February, 2016.
80. «Intraoperative Iris Prolapse and Other Pupil Issues During Cataract Surgery». Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis Symposium “Prevention and Management of Complications in Anterior Segment Surgery: An Experience Based Approach. What the Literature Doesn’t Teach Us “. World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February 2016.
81. “Pupil issues in FLACS”. World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February 2016.
82. Overview on Trifocal, Multifocal, and Enhanced Depth of Focus IOLs. Subspecialty Day: Refractive. AAO Annual Meeting, November 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
83. Summary of the ESCRS FLACS study. Symposium «Cataract Surgery: The Cutting Edge». AAO Annual Meeting, November 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
84. Symposium Ophthalmic Premier League: A Team Video Competition on Managing Cataract Complications. AAO Annual Meeting, November 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
85. The New trends in Multifocal IOLs: Russian Perspective. Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis symposium «What is Hot Outside of the United States?». AAO Annual Meeting, November 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
86. “Small pupil phaco strategies in conventional and Femtosecond laser assisted Phacoemulsificaon”. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Meeting, New Delhi, October 2015.
87. “Techniques to repair traumac and hereditary zonular dialysis”. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Meeting, New Delhi, October 2015.
88. “Toric pseudophakic IOLs in keratoconus patients: calculations and clinical results”. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Meeting, New Delhi, October 2015.
89. Challenging case presentation at the “Ophthalmic Premier League” (OPL) session. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Meeting, New Delhi, October 2015.
90. Challenging case presentation at the “Court Martial in Ophthalmology” session. Intraocular Implant and Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Meeting, New Delhi, October 2015.
91. “Best of the Best Review Session”. Chairperson & Presenter. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
92. Video Symposium on Surgical Complications “You make the call”. Position: discussant of challenging video cases. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
93. «Small Pupil / Foppy Iris» Presentation at Young Ophthalmologist Session. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
94. «Pupil dynamics in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery» Free paper. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
95. «Malyugin Ring 2.0. The smaller the better». Symposium «Complex Cataract Cases — The Simple Truths». XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
96. «Clinical application of OCT imaging of the anterior segment of the eye» Workshop on Visual Optics. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
97. Phacoemulsification with toric IOL implantation in patients with stabilized keratectatic process, first experience (Co-authors: Izmailova S., Semykin A.). XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
98. Sub-Tenon’s injection of betamethasone for CME prevention in diabetic patients after uneventful phacoemulsification (Co-authors: Martsinkevich A., Goncharenko O., Zimina E.). Poster presentation at XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
99. Visual outcomes after implantation of gradient multifocal IOLs with different additional power (Co-authors: Morozova T., Fomina O.). Poster presentation at XXXIII ESCRS Congress.
100. Functional results of trifocal pseudophakic IOL implantation (Co-authors: Malyutina E., Morozova T.). Poster presentation at XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
101. Experimental basing of new device for optimized UV-crosslinking: technique, efficacy and safety (Co-authors: Izmailova S, Merzlov D.). Poster presentation at XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
102. Round table «Is IOL Technology retarding the adoption of femtosecond cataract surgery?» Session chairman & discussant. Ophthalmology Futures European Forum. Barcelona, September 2015.
103. “Intraoperative OCT-assisted DALK technique”. Poster presentation at EUCORNEA meeting, Barcelona, September 2015.
104. “Comprehensive treatment of different types of progressive keratectasia: the future without keratoplasty?” (Co-authors: Izmailova S., Semykin A., Poruchikova E.). Poster presentation at EUCORNEA meeting, Barcelona, September 2015
105. Presentation «Russia KPro». KPro Symposia at UCSD Shiley Eye Institute, April 14, 2015.
106. Presentation «Combined Phaco and Ultrathin DSAEK
in Patients With Fuchs Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy: Long-Term Results». ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
107. Video case presentation at International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complications. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
108. ASCRS Symposium «New Technology: What Do We Really Need». Position: panelist and discussant. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
109. «Preoperative assessment of corneal astigmatism». ESCRS Symposium: Correction of Astigmatism at the Corneal or Lenticular Plane. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
110. Clinical case video presentation. Symposium: Ophthalmic Premier League (OPL).
Team Video Competition on Managing Cataract Complications. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
111. «Poor Capsule Support: the Capsule Remains My Favorite IOL Support». Symposium: Cataract Symposium: Controversies in cataract surgery. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
112. «Strategies for In-The-Bag Single Piece IOL Fixation in the Face of Posterior Capsular Rent»s Symposium: IOL Fixation with deficient capsular support. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
113. «Pseudoexfoliation/weak zonules». Symposium: Complicated Phaco Cases — My Top 5 Pearls. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
114. Technique of Iris Reconstruction in Patients with Congenital Iris Coloboma and Cataract. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
115. «Small pupil phacoemulsification techniques». Round Table Discussion “Cataract surgery in the diseased eyes”. 29th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intra Ocular Implant and Refractive Surgery. February 26th – March 1st, 2015. Athens, Greece.
116. «Refractive results of toric pseudophakic IOLs in keratoconus patients» ESCRS Symposium «Optical quality in cataract and refractive surgery». 29th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intra Ocular Implant and Refractive Surgery. February 26th – March 1st, 2015. Athens, Greece.
117. «Handling the small pupil and IFIS». Main Symposium: Cataract Surgery in Difficult Eyes. 19th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, February 2015.
118. «Malyugin Ring: the technology for safe and effective small pupil management». Presentation at the Epsilon Experts Innovative Conclave. February 7th, 2015, New Delhi, India.
119. Malyugin Ring. Symposium «Surgical Instruments and Devices: Inspiration, Design and Use». APACRS Meeting, November 13-16, 2014, Jaipur (India).
120. Delayed Cataract Procedure. Symposium «Court Martial in Ophthalmic Surgery». APACRS Meeting, November 13-16, 2014, Jaipur (India).
121. Posterior Capsular Rent to Posterior CCC Conversion. Symposium “Top Cataract Surgery Gems”. APACRS Meeting, November 13-16, 2014, Jaipur (India).
122. Anterior and Posterior Selective Keratoplasty techniques. XIII Black Sea Ophthalmology Society meeting, October 17th 2014, Sochi, Russia.
123. Cataract Case with Zonular Insufficiency. Cornea Day 2014: Restocking the Toolbox: Concepts and Techniques for the Toughest. Position: presenter. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
124. The Cutting Edge Symposium. Position: panelist. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
125. ”Laser Refractive Lens Surgery on Trial — Is It Really Better?” Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Day meeting. Position: panelist. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
126. The 13th Annual Spotlight on Cataracts Symposium “Clinical Decision Making With Cataract Complications”. Position: panelist. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
127. “Learning Curve with New Technology”. International Ethics Symposium. Position: presenter. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
128. AAO Ophthalmic Premier League. Position: presenter. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
129. Malyugin Ring Technical Pearls in IFIS: How to Get Out of Trouble. Symposium «Complex cataract cases. Simple Truths». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
130. Surgical challenges of combining MICS and MIGS. Symposium «Combined Surgery for Cataract and Glaucoma». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
131. Delayed cataract procedure. Surgical Video Symposium «Getting into trouble?». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
132. Poster «First clinical experience with femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
133. Free paper. Two-step approach for iris reconstruction in patients with congenital iris coloboma and cataract. Presented at XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
134. Invited Symposium “Ophthalmic Premier League”, presenter. World Ophthalmology Congress, Tokyo, April 2014.
135. What is the Current Place of LRI in Our Surgical Armamentarium? Hawaiian Eye and Retina 2014, Kauai, USA.
136. Techniques of Zonular Repair with the Malyugin Modified CTR. Hawaiian Eye and Retina 2014, Kauai, USA.
137. Creating the synthetic zonular support in patient with small pupil. KMSG Complications Club, AAO 2013, New Orleans.
138. Spotlight on Cataract Complications: M&M Rounds — Learning From My Mistakes. AAO Symposium, AAO 2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
139. “Cataract surgery in presence of zonular dialysis”. ESCRS-TOS International panel. 47th National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmology Society, Antalya, 6–10 of November 2013.
140. Small pupils: does size really matter? Lunch Symposium. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
141. Clinical application of OCT imaging of the anterior segment of the eye. Workshop on Visual Optics. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
142. The corneal approach to astigmatism correction. Main Symposium. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
143. Small/floppy pupils. Young ophthalmologists program. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
144. Surgical tactics in patient with ectatic thin corneal scar combined with cataract. Clinical case presentation APACRS Cornea Day. APACRS Congress, Singapore, 2013.
145. Tri-focality. The new concept of multifocals. APACRS Congress, Singapore, 2013.
146. Surgical solutions for compromized zonules. APACRS Congress, Singapore, 2013.
147. Zonular issues in cataract surgery. AUSCRS, Ayers Rock, Australia, 2013.
148. Multifocal IOLs with gradient refractive index optics. AUSCRS, Ayers Rock, Australia, 2013.
149. My Experience with the femto-assisted cataract surgery using VICTUS. AUSCRS, Ayers Rock, Australia, 2013.
150. Video Festival contest. enVista with VICTUS. AUSCRS, Ayers Rock, Australia, 2013.
151. Panel discussion «Campfire Chat». AUSCRS, Ayers Rock, Australia, 2013.
152. Electronic poster «The influence of different incision types for DSAEK on corneal curvature and power». SOE Meeting, Copenhagen; June 8-11, 2013.
153. Free paper. «Modified CTR for hereditary and acquired zonular pathology associated with cataract. SOE Meeting, Copenhagen; June 8-11, 2013.
154. Lecture «Cataract surgery in case of loose zonules». Symposium «New ideas for unsolved complications in cataract surgery». SOE Meeting, Copenhagen; June 8-11, 2013.
155. Video presentation «Creating the synthetic zonular support in severe zonular pathology. Symposium «Video challenges on anterior segment repair». SOE Meeting, Copenhagen; June 8-11, 2013.
156. Corneal Curvature and Power Changes After Different Types of DSAEK Incisions. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
157. Clinical Outcomes With New Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
158. New Algorithm of Ciliary Sulcus Diameter Assessment Using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography in Patients With High Myopia (co-author). ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
159. Сlinical results with the Gradiol lens (co-author). ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
160. Symposium Presenter «Hot Off the Press: Highlights of the 2013 Symposium». ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
161. Small pupil with pseudoexfoliation. AAO symposium: Spotlight in cataract surgery. 28th APAO-AIOS Congress, Hyderabad, India, January 2013.
162. Zonular dialysis repair». Russian Symposium: Surgical Solutions in Complicated Cataract Cases. 28th APAO-AIOS Congress, Hyderabad, India, January 2013
163. «Small Pupils? Not a Problem Anymore». APAO Symposium: My Number One Pearl in Cataract Surgery» 28th APAO-AIOS Congress, Hyderabad, India, January 2013
164. E-poster «New CTR scleral fixation technique in patients with severe congenital zonular deficiency». 28th APAO-AIOS Congress, Hyderabad, India, January 2013
165. «IOLs, capsular tension rings and segments». Main Symposium: Capsular complications – first aid kit: prevention, detection, solution. 17th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, February 2013.
166. Spotlight on Cataracts Symposium. Clinical Decision-making with Cataract Complications. Video case studies – “You make the call”. AAO Meeting, Chicago, November 2012.
167. Surgical techniques in Marfan’s Syndrome. VideoCatarattaRefrattiva 2012, 19-20 October, Milan.
168. Cataract surgery in patients with small pupil. VideoCatarattaRefrattiva 2012, 19-20 October, Milan.
169. Session panelist. «Cataract Innovation and Reimbursement Challenges». Ophthalmology Futures 2012 — European Forum. September 2012, Milan, Italy
170. The effect of combined incisional and pharmacological (bevacizumab) approach on corneal neovascularization in patients with corneal grafts. EuCORNEA Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
171. Technique and results of lens replacement surgery in patients with Marfan’s syndrome utilizing the modified CTR. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy.
172. Mid-term clinical outcomes with the enVista intraocular lenses. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy.
173. Poster «Corneal curvature and power changes after DSAEK with clear corneal and scleral incisions» EuCORNEA Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
174. Phacoemulsification in Patient With Super Thin Ecstatic Corneal Scar: Clinical Case. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA).
175. Repeatability and Reproducibility of Sulcus-to-Sulcus Distance Measurements With Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Patients With High Myopia. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
176. Session panelist. «Intraocular surgery, Toric IOLs». ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
177. Preparation of Ultrathin Flap for DSAEK: Technique and Results. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
178. Technique and Results of Lens Replacement Surgery in Patients With Marfan Syndrome Using Modified CTR. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
179. Influence of Accommodation on Anterior and Posterior Chamber Phakic IOL Position Demonstrated by Anterior Segment OCT. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
180. Analysis of Postoperative Visual Outcomes After Implantation of Third-Generation Multifocal Gradient IOLs. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
181. Session panelist. «Intraocular surgery, Toric IOLs». ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
182. ASCRS General Session Faculty Member. Hot Off the Press. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
183. Near Live Surgery Session. 1.8 CMICS with MR. HSIOIRS Meeting, 2-3 March 2012, Athens
184. Near Live Surgery Session 1.8 CMICS with Malyugin Ring. 26th HSIOIRS Meeting, Athens, 1-4 March 2012.
185. «Cataract Surgery with the Modified CTR in Patients with Traumatic Zonular Dialysis and Mydriasis». Free paper session presentation presentation. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
186. ”Surgical Technique and Clinical Results with Ultrathin Flap DSAEK” Free paper session presentation. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi.
187. Symposium «Anterior segment complications: what to do next?». Case study discussion. Position – panelist. ESCRS Winter Meeting. February 1-5, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
188. Poster: “Lens replacement surgery results in Marfan Syndrome utilizing the modified CTR”. ESCRS Winter Meeting. February 1-5, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
189. Symposium “Cataract Surgery: The Cutting Edge” Panelist. AAO Meeting, Orlando 2011.
190. 1.8 mm C-MICS in complicated cases: clinical results and considerations. 24th APACRS Annual meeting in conjunction with the 2011 KSCRS Symposium (13-16 October Seoul, Korea).
191. Phaco with the modified CTR in patients with hereditary and acquired zonular deficiency. 24th APACRS Annual meeting in conjunction with the 2011 KSCRS Symposium (13-16 October Seoul, Korea).
192. Cataract Surgery Techniques in zonular dialysis. X-th International Symposium of Polish Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (29th Sept.– 1st October, Lodz 2011)
193. Pearls on the use of the Malyugin Ring. X-th International Symposium of Polish Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (29th Sept.– 1st October, Lodz 2011)
194. Femto-DALK: Is it really the technique of the future? Presentation at the expert meeting “Current Surgical Options in the Management of Keratoconus”, 16 September 2011, Vienna.
195. Cataract Surgery – Advanced: Capsule complications, anterior vitrectomy (torn capsule, anterior vitrectomy, dropped nucleus). ESCRS Young Ophthalmologists Program. XXVIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2010.
196. Torn Posterior Capsule. ESCRS Video Symposium on Challenging Cases. XXVIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2010.
197. 1.8mm CMICS and the modified CTR in patients with traumatic cataract complicated by zonular dialysis and mydriasis. Free paper. XXVIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2010.
198. DSAEK “as thin as possible”: technique and results. Free paper. XXVIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2010.
199. A stepwise approach in corneal burn leucomas combined with glaucoma with Fyodorov-Zuev keratoprosthesis. Free paper at the 2nd EUCORNEA Congress, Vienna 2011.
200. Ultrathin corneal scar in cataract patient. Clinical case. Poster at the 2nd EUCORNEA Congress, Vienna 2011.
201. Challenging cases Symposium. 74th Canadian Ophtalmology Society Meeting, Vancouver, June 2011.
202. Intracorneal ring segment implantation using a new device – calibrated vacuum ring – as a method of different type of keratectasias treatment. Joint Congress of SOE /AAO, June 2011, Geneva.
203. Complications of non-laser intracorneal ring segments implantation in different keratectasia types and its prophylaxis (self experience). Joint Congress of SOE /AAO, June 2011, Geneva.
204. Ultrathin Flap DSAEK: Surgical Technique and Clinical Results. Free paper presentation. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
205. Long-Term Results of Cataract Surgery in Patients With Traumatic Zonular Dialysis and Mydriasis. Free paper presentation. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
206. Complex Cataract cases, the simple truths. EyeWorld/MST Breakfast symposium. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
207. Innovative Anterior/Posterior System Ideally Suited for ASCs. Bausch+Lomb booth presentation. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
208. Akreos MICS IOL outcomes. Bausch+Lomb booth presentation. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
209. Broken capsule: what’s then? Symposium on Complicated and Challenging Cases in Cataract Surgery. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
210. Cataract Surgery in Marfan Syndrome with the Malyugin Modified CTR. Symposium: Challenging Cataract Cases in Children. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011
211. Tips in managing posterior capsular ruptures. Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Winter Meeting, Bruxelles, 29th January, 2011
212. MICS in patients with large zonular defects. Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Winter Meeting, Bruxelles, 29th January, 2011
213. Technique and results of phacoemulsification in patients with the large zonular defects. Conference “Advances in ophthalmology”. Ukraine, Kiev, October 2010.
214. Techniques of phacoemulsification in the eyes with the decreased iris diaphragmatic function. Conference “Advances in ophthalmology”. Ukraine, Kiev, October 2010.
215. Clinical results with ultrathin DSAEK. Conference “Advances in ophthalmology”. Ukraine, Kiev, October 2010.
216. Cataract Surgery: “Living on the Edge”. Symposium panelist. AAO Annual congress, Chicago 2010.
217. Symposium: “Introducing the Stellaris PC”. Advantages of MICS cataract surgery with Stellaris PC. AAO Annual congress, Chicago 2010.
218. Extended Outcomes with Akreos MICS IOL. B+L Booth Symposium. AAO Annual congress, Chicago 2010.
219. Successful Management of Complicated Phaco Cases with the Stellaris System. B+L Booth Symposium. AAO Annual congress, Chicago 2010.
220. Cataract surgery in patients with severe deficiency of the zonular apparatus. VIII-th Black Sea Ophthalmology Society meeting. Anapa (Russia), 2010
221. Phaco: Getting the Right Incision Size. Lunch symposium. APAO, Beijing 2010.
222. Video presentation. Challenging cases symposium “Phaco Nightmares”. APAO, Beijing 2010.
223. Small pupil phaco techniques. Symposium “The Challenging cataract”. APAO, Beijing 2010.
224. Video symposium on challenging cases. APAO, Beijing 2010.
225. Techniques for lens removal. Symposium “Toward Smaller Cataract Incisions”. APAO, Beijing 2010.
226. Capsule complications. Anterior vitrectomy. Young ophthalmologists program. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
227. Clinical Results with Ultrathin Flap DSAEK. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
228. Corneal Incisional Techniques. Main symposium “Astigmatism”. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
229. Phaco Surgery with the Modified Capsular Tension Ring in Patients with Zonular Dialysis. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
230. Posición y Tamaño del ICL mediante UBM Y OCT (Position and size of ICL by UBM and OCT). XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia. August, 2010.
231. Mesa Redonda: Estado Actual de la Cirugía de Corrección de Presbicia (State of the art of Presbiopia surgery). XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia 2010, August.
232. Tecnicas de DALK y DSAEK con Injertos Ultrafinos. XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Ophthalmologia, Bogota, Colombia 2010, August.
233. WetLab educational system for ophthalmic microsurgery – the Russian experience.- WOC, Berlin 2010.
234. Microincisional surgery of subluxed lenses with the modified capsular tension ring (Videofilm).- WOC, Berlin 2010.
235. Phacoemulsification in Subluxed Lenses with the Modified Capsular Tension Ring.- WOC, Berlin 2010.
236. Microcoaxial technique. Symposium: Microcoaxial and Microbiaxial cataract surgery — present and future.- CIRP, 2010 Algarve, Portugal.
237. Microincisional surgery of subluxed lenses with the modified capsular tension ring (Video Symposium).- CIRP, 2010 Algarve, Portugal.
238. DALK Utilizing The Air-Visco Bubble Exchange Technique. Poster. VI-th World Cornea Congress. Boston, USA, 7-9 April 2010.
239. Microincision Cataract Surgery in Subluxated Lenses with Modified Capsular Tension Ring. Free paper. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
240. Results of 1.8mm C MICS in Hard Cataracts. Poster. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
241. Microincisional Surgery of Subluxated Lenses with the Modified Capsular Tension Ring. Video Film. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
242. Accomodating IOL’s. The World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). Prague, Czech Republic, March 4-7, 2010.
243. 1.8mm coaxial technique. The World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). Prague, Czech Republic, March 4-7, 2010.
244. Pupillary rings. The World Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology (COPHy). Prague, Czech Republic, March 4-7, 2010.
245. Anwendung des Malyugin Rings. “Live video” session. 25th DGII Congress. February 2010. Cologne, Germany.
246. Video Symposium “Complications and complex cases”. Video presentation. 14th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Budapest 2010.
247. Air-Visco Bubble Exchange DALK Technique. 14th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Budapest 2010.
248. Technique and results of intracorneal segments implantation with the new calibrated vacuum ring. 14th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Budapest 2010.
249. The new pupil expansion device for cataract surgery. 68th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society in conjunction with Afro Asian Congress of Ophthalmology. January 21-24, 2010, Kolkata, India.
250. Surgical Management Of Pseudophakic Capsule Contraction Syndrome. 68th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society in conjunction with Afro Asian Congress of Ophthalmology. January 21-24, 2010, Kolkata, India.
251. Cataract Surgery with the New Pupil Expansion Device. 102nd Korean Ophtalmology Society Meeting. Ilsan, 2009.
252. Clinical results of 1.8mm and 2.8mm cataract surgery with Stellaris. MICS luncheon symposium. 102nd Korean Ophtalmology Society Meeting. Ilsan, 2009.
253. Symposium “The new trends in cataract surgery”. X-th Serbian Congress of Ophthalmologists. Novi Sad, 2009.
254. Managing small pupils. Young Ophthalmologists Program. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
255. The torn capsule. Young Ophthalmologists Program. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
256. Structural corneal changes after 1.8 and 2.8 clear corneal phaco with Stellaris measured by AC-OCT. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
257. Surgical management of pseudophakic capsular phimosis. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
258. Malyugin Ring: Applications. XXXV Congresso Brasiliero de Ophthalmologia. Belo Horizonte, 2009.
259. Technique of phaco surgery with the new pupil expansion device. XXXV Congresso Brasiliero de Ophthalmologia. Belo Horizonte, 2009.
260. IOL ciliary sulcus suturing with the help of microendoscopy. XXXV Congresso Brasiliero de Ophthalmologia. Belo Horizonte, 2009.
261. Scleral incision. Joint Symposium of APACRS-ASCRS-ESCRS: Experiential Wisdom from Around the World. XXII-th APACRS Congress. Tokyo, 2009.
262. Gradient Refractive Index IOL: The new concept of multifocality. APACRS-EyeWorld Lunch Seminar: Choices of IOLs. XXII-th APACRS Congress. Tokyo, 2009.
263. 1.8 mm C-MICS in complicated cases. Symposium: Complicated Cataracts and Cataract Complications. XXII-th APACRS Congress. Tokyo, 2009.
264. Oversized ICL management. Symposium: Management of refractive surgery complications. XXII-th APACRS Congress. Tokyo, 2009.
265. Traumatic cataract complicated by mydriasis and large zonular dialysis.
266. Video-based Cataract Symposium 
Speakers presenting challenging situations in cataract surgery. XXII-th APACRS Congress. Tokyo, 2009.
267. Third-Generation Multifocal IOL with Gradient Optics: Clinical Case Study (Free paper). ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, April 2009.
268. Capsular Contraction Syndrome Management with Excision Using 25G Instrumentation (Free paper). ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, April 2009.
269. “OCT for clear corneal incisions for 1.8 mm C-MICS and 2.8 mm standard coaxial cataract surgery” (Poster). ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, April 2009.
270. MICS Symposium. My experience with Stellaris and Akreos MI60. 21st APACRS Annual Meeting. Bangkok, November 27-30, 2008.
271. Clinical Experience with 1.8 mm Coaxial MICS: The Results of Micro (1.8mm) and Mini (2.8mm) Coaxial Cataract Surgery with Stellaris. 21st APACRS Annual Meeting. Bangkok, November 27-30, 2008.
272. Delivering Ultrasound: Timing and Directions. Joint Plenary Of APACRS-ASCRS -ESCRS. Crossroads in Techniques and Technology – Choosing The Right path In Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 21st APACRS Annual Meeting. Bangkok, November 27-30, 2008.
273. New Concept of Multifocality — IOL with Gradient Refractive Index. 21st APACRS Annual Meeting. Bangkok, November 27-30, 2008.
274. Solving The Problems of IOL Scleral Suturing. 21st APACRS Annual Meeting. Bangkok, November 27-30, 2008.
275. Clinical Studies Cataract Surgery with the New Pupil Expansion Device. 21st APACRS Annual Meeting. Bangkok, November 27-30, 2008.
276. A new technique of phaco surgery in a small pupil. Video presentation. 106th DOG Congress, Berlin, 2008.
277. Third generation of multifocal gradient IOLs: clinical case of young patient 38 years old. XXVI-th ESCRS Congress, Berlin, 2008.
278. Mix and match cataract surgery with gradient (third generation Gradiol) and diffractive (Restor) multifoclal IOL implantation (clinical case). XXVI-th ESCRS Congress, Berlin, 2008.
279. The comparison of 1.8mm and 2.8 mm coaxial surgery with the Stellaris vision enhancement system. XXVI-th ESCRS Congress, Berlin, 2008.
280. The results of cataract surgery with the new pupil expansion device. XXVI-th ESCRS Congress, Berlin, 2008.
281. Russian solution to Small Pupil Phaco and Tamsulosin Floppy Iris Syndrome. Video session. World Ophthalmology Congress. Hong Kong, 28th June- 2nd July 2008.
282. Microendoscopy Assisted IOL Scleral Fixation. Video Symposium. Video session. World Ophthalmology Congress. Hong Kong, 28th June- 2nd July 2008.
283. Microendoscopy Assisted IOL Scleral Fixation. Symposium: Challenging Cases in Cataract Surgery. ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
284. Clinical Experience with the 1.8 mm Coaxial MICS on the Stellaris Phaco System ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
285. Clinical results with Stellaris and 1.8 mm coaxial MICS. XXII Ophthalmology Congress of Iran, Tehran, 2007.
286. Laser thermokeratoplasty for presbyopia solution in hyperopic patients. 105th DOG Congress, Berlin, 2007.
287. Anterior ciliary sclerotomy with collagen T-shaped implants for presbyopia reversal. 105th DOG Congress, Berlin, 2007.
288. Small pupil phaco with iris ring. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007. 105th DOG Congress, Berlin, 2007.
289. First clinical experiences with 1.8mm coaxial MICS on the Stellaris Phaco System. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
290. Presbyopic Refractive Lens Exchange (PRELEX) in Hyperopic Patients with Acrysof ReSTOR IOL. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
291. Holmium: YAG laser thermokeratoplasty (LTK) to correct hyperopia in presbyopic patients. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
292. Third generation of multifocal gradient refractive index IOLs. Preliminary clinical results. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
293. Cataract phacoemulsification in high hypermetropic eyes. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
294. Functional outcomes of YellowFlex (Physiol) intraocular lens (IOL) implantation after cataract surgery. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
295. Phacoemulsification with planned vitrectomy through posterior capsulorhexis and IOL implantation: technique and results. XXVth ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, 2007.
296. The new concept of multifocal IOL – variable refractive index optics. Theoretical considerations and clinical results. XXII Baltic Ophthalmological Forum, Riga, 2007.
297. Microendoscopy-assisted IOL scleral fixation. XII Baltic Ophthalmological Forum, Riga, 2007.
298. 1.8 mm coaxial MICS Technique. 2nd MICS Symposium “Empowering the future of micro incision cataract surgery”. ESCRS Congress, XXV: EuroTimes Satellite Educational Programme.- Stockholm, 2007.
299. Pupillary ring-assisted phacoemulsification in eyes with small pupil and zonular weakness: technique and results. ASCRS Congress, San Diego, USA, April 2007.
300. Gradient refractive index IOL: evolution and clinical results. ASCRS Congress, San Diego, USA, April 2007.
301. Multifoca IOL with variable refractive index. Annual Conference on Ocular Microsurgery. Eilat, Israel, 2007.
302. Endoscopy assisted scleral IOL suturing techniques. Annual Conference on Ocular Microsurgery. Eilat, Israel, 2007.
303. Small pupil phaco with IQ Ring. Annual Conference on Ocular Microsurgery. Eilat, Israel, 2007.
304. Technique of phacoemulsification in small pupil. II-nd international Congress on Pediatric Cataract Surgery. Odessa, Ukraine, 2007.
305. The future accommodative IOL. 12th ESCRS Winter Refractive Surgery Meeting. Athens, Greece, 2007.
306. Small pupil phaco with the new iris ring model. 7th International Symposium of Ophthalmology_Hong Kong, 2007.
307. Microendoscopy assisted PC IOL scleral suturing. 7th International Symposium of Ophthalmology_Hong Kong, 2007.
308. Transscleral IOL Fixation. XIV Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology (AACO), Marrakesh, Morocco 2007.
309. Double-refractive-index optics foldable multifocal IOLs: long-term results. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
310. Technique to manage small pupils in bimanual phacoemulsification. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
311. Phacoemulsification and deep sclerectomy in combined cataract and glaucoma surgery: long-term results. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
312. Endoscopic approach in transscleral suturing of malpositioned IOLs. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
313. Aspheric optic versus conventional optic: functional and aberrometric results. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
314. Complex Small Pupil Case. Video Symposium on Challenging Cases. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
315. Three IOLs. Video Symposium on Challenging Cases. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
316. Scleral presbyopia surgery: Long-term follow-up. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
317. Personal experience with transscleral suture fixation of PC IOLs: technique and results of 100 cases. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
318. Plate haptic PC IOLs scleral fixation with endoscopic control. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
319. Endoscopic IOL scleral fixation techniques. International Intraocular Implant & Refractive Surgery Convention. Chennai, India, 2006.
320. Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery. International Intraocular Implant & Refractive Surgery Convention. Chennai, India, 2006.
321. The new solution to the small pupil during phaco. International Intraocular Implant & Refractive Surgery Convention. Chennai, India, 2006.
322. UBM studies after phakic IOLs implantation. International Intraocular Implant & Refractive Surgery Convention. Chennai, India, 2006.
323. Transscleral IOL suturing: problems and solutions. IV-th International Congress of Black Sea Ophthalmology Society (BSOS). Anapa, Russia, 2006.
324. Effectiveness of combined local anesthetics and viscoelastic solution for topical anesthesia. IVth International Congress of Black Sea Ophthalmology Society (BSOS). Anapa, Russia, 2006.
325. The new technique of coaxial and bimanual small pupil phaco. The VI-th International Congress on Advances in Ophthalmology. EyeAdvance 2006. Mumbai, India.
326. Aspheric IOLs in cataract surgery. The VI-th International Congress on Advances in Ophthalmology. EyeAdvance 2006. Mumbai, India.
327. Laser cataract surgery in complicated cases. Regional Ophthalmology Congress. Charbin, China, 2006.
328. The long-term results of scleral expansion surgery for presbyopia utilizing collagen T-implants. Egyptian Society of Cataract and Corneal Diseases (ESCACOD), Egypt, Luxor, 2005.
329. Malpositioned IOLs management: endoscopic vs conventional approaches. Egyptian Society of Cataract and Corneal Diseases (ESCACOD), Egypt, Luxor, 2005.
330. Transscleral PC IOL fixation: conventional versus microendoscopy assisted techniques in complicated cases. XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
331. One-hand endoscopic IOL transscleral IOL suture fixation of IOLs – a new horizon. XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
332. The results of single site combined phaco-deep sclerectomy with SK Gel drain. XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
333. The long-term results of the collagen T-implant for scleral presbyopia reversal surgery. XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
334. Dislocation of the sutured posterior chamber plate haptic lenses – a new challenge (clinical case). XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
335. Capsulorhexis-edge IOL fixation: clinical results. ASCRS Congress, Washington, USA, April 2005.
336. Multifocal IOLs with variable Refractive index optics: clinical experience. ASCRS Congress, Washington, USA, April 2005.
337. UBM studies in correction of high ametropias with the phakic PC IOLs. Black Sea Ophthalmology Society (BSOS). Istanbul, Turkey. August 2005.
338. Astigmatism management during cataract surgery. Black Sea Ophthalmology Society (BSOS). Istanbul, Turkey. August 2005.
339. Viscoanesthesia in phacoemulsification cataract surgery. 17th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery. Athens, Greece, Jan-Febr. 2005.
340. A justification of endoscopic approach in trans-scleral fixation of dislocated posterior chamber intraocular lenses (ultrasound biomicroscopy comparison study)/. International VIII-th Congress of the Pan Arab African Council of Ophthalmology (PAACO) and the XIIth UAE Ophthalmic Conference. April, 2005.
341. A new “two string” technique to manage dislocated posterior chamber plate haptic lenses. International VIII-th Congress of the Pan Arab African Council of Ophthalmology (PAACO) and the XIIth UAE Ophthalmic Conference. April, 2005.
342. The new concept of the IOL fixation: utilizing the capsulorhexis edge. XXII-th ESCRS Congress, September 2004, Paris, France.
343. Modern aspects of cataract and glaucoma surgery. 37th PanHellenic Ophthgalmological Congress. Greece, 2004.
344. The new concept of accommodative IOL fixation — capsular clip mechanism. 37th PanHellenic Ophthgalmological Congress. Greece, 2004.
345. First experience of organ culture of donor corneas in “Eurobio” media in Russia. 16th Annual meeting of the European Eye Bank Association.- Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
346. Viscoanesthesia in cataract surgery. 37th Turkish Ophthalmology Society (TOS) Congress. Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.
347. Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery: technique and results. 19th International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgeons (HSIOIRS) Athens, Greece, February 2003.
348. The new concept of accommodating IOL – anterior capsular mechanism. Congress of the ESCRS, XXI-st. Munich, Germany, 2003.
349. Glucosaminoglycans surface modified copolymer collagen lenses implanted in the rabbit eyes. A comparative study. Congress of the ESCRS, XXI-st. Munich, Germany, 2003.
350. Hydroelastic – the new irrigating protector of corneal endothelium. Congress of the ESCRS, XXI-st. Munich, Germany, 2003.
351. Improved Biocompatibility of Intraocular Lenses by Glycosaminoglycans Surface Modification (In Vivo Study). The joint meeting of the VII-th International Congress Of The Pan Arab-African Council Of Ophthalmology and The XXII-nd Congress Of The Tunisian Ophthalmological Society. — Tunis, May, 2003.
352. The new T-implant for scleral presbyopia surgery. XX-th Congress of the ESCRS. Nice, France, 2002.
353. Management of phaco complications: capsulorhexis edge IOL fixation. XX-th Congress of the ESCRS. Nice, France, 2002.
354. The new temporary pupil expander for phacoemulsification in complicated cases. Congress of the ESCRS. Nice, France, 2002.
355. Capsulorhexis fixated posterior chamber IOL: clinico-experimental approbation. XIX Congress of the ECSRS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2001.
356. Viscoanesthesia in phacoemulsification cataract surgery. XIX Congress of the ECSRS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2001.
357. Limbal and corneal relaxing incisions for correcting astigmatism during phacoemulsification. XVIII Congress of the ECSRS. Brussels, Belgium, 2000.
358. Marking the astigmatism axis with an infrared laser before phacoemulsification. XVIII Congress of the ECSRS. Brussels, Belgium, 2000.
359. Visiton- viscoelastic with biological active components. 3rd International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics (ISOPP). Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 2000.
360. Marking the astigmatism axis with an infrared laser preoperatively in refractive cataract surgery. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery, Boston, USA. May 2000.
361. Use of sulfated glycosaminoglycans in clear corneal cataract surgery. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery, Boston, USA. May, 2000.