Преподавательская деятельность

Малюгин Б.Э. успешно сочетает научную и педагогическую деятельность, занимаясь воспитанием и подготовкой молодых специалистов, читая лекции и ведя семинары в рамках курсов повышения квалификации на базе МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза» имени акад. С.Н. Фёдорова. Является профессором кафедры офтальмологии МГМСУ им. Евдокимова.

На протяжении ряда лет принимает участие в программе обучения молодых офтальмологов и курсах, проводимых в рамках ежегодных конгрессов Европейского и Американского обществ катарактальных и рефракционных хирургов, Американской Академии офтальмологии.

Малюгин Б.Э. преподает в Европейской школе повышения квалификации в офтальмологии г. Лугано, Швейцария (European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology, ESASO).

В качестве приглашенного профессора читал курсы лекций в Глазном центре им. Джона Морана при университете штата Юты (США, 2011), Стэндфордском университете (США, 2012), Оксфордском глазном госпитале (Великобритания, 2014), университете Бен Гуриона (Израиль, 2016), Глазном госпитале Виллс  г. Филадельфия, США (2018), Медицинском Центре Пасифик, Универиситета Калифорнии в Сан Франциско, США (2020).

Список сессий «живой» демонстрационной хирургии на международных конгрессах:

  1. Cirugias En Vivo: Small Pupil Hard Cataract Loose Zonules Cataract Surgery Case managed with Centurion, Malyugin Ring, and conventional CTR, Clareon. VIII-th International Congress on Cornea Refractive and Cataract (INCCA). 11–13 April 2019, Lima, PERU.
  2. Cataract Surgery for patient with small pupil and IFIS. ESCRS 21st winter meeting. Maastricht, The Netherlands. February 2017.
  3. Cataract and corneal transplant surgeries (PKP, DSAEK). Soroka Medical Center, Ben Gurion University. March 2016.
  4. Small pupil phaco with Malyugin Ring (Stellaris and CZM monofocal IOL). Live Surgery Congress, Lublin, Poland, 30 January – 1 February 2015.
  5. Phacoemulsification with Malyugin modified CTR scleral suturing and PC IOL implantation in patient with Marfan Syndrome and high axial myopia. New York Eye & Ear Infirmary course. “Cataract Surgery in the Stratosphere: Tackling Advanced and Challenging Surgical Problems. New York 2013.
  6. MICS cataract case. VireoCatarattaRefrattiva, Milan, October 2012
  7. 1.8 mm C-MICS with the Malyugin Ring. ESCRS Winter Meeting. February 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
  8. 1.8 mm C-MICS. Romanian Ophthalmology Society meeting, Sinaia, October 2011.
  9. C-MICS with Oertli OS-3 & FineVision. Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Winter Meeting, Brussels, 29th January 2011.
  10. 1.8 mm C-MICS. APAO Congress, Beijing. September 2010.
  11. 1.8 mm C-MICS. ESCRS Winter Congress, Budapest, February 2010.
  12. 1.8 mm C-MICS. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
  1. 8 mm C-MICS. IX-th Curso Sevilla Refractiva, Sevilla, Spain. April 2008.
  2. Phacoemulsification cataract surgery with Infiniti Intrepid System (Alcon) & Acrysof WF. Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgeons (HSIOIRS) Greece, Athens, 2008.
  3. 8 mm C-MICS. Meeting of the Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (BSCRS), Brussels, 2008.
  4. ICL implantation in High Myopia (1st case); Phacoemulsification in small pupil (2nd case). XIV-th Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology (AACO), Marrakesh, Morocco 2007.
  5. Pediatric Cataract Surgery. 2nd International Congress on Pediatric Cataract Surgery. Odessa, Ukraine, 2007.
  6. Phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. EyeAdvance-2006. Mumbai, India, 2006.
  7. ICL implantation in High Myopia. Annual Congress Modern Technologies in Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Moscow, Russia, 2005, 2006.
  8. Live cataract surgery cases during the Russian Annual Congresses “Modern Technologies in Cataract and Refractive Surgery” in Moscow (1999-2019).
  9. II Euro-Asian Regional Ophthalmology Meeting. Issik-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, 2005.
  10. Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery. Videocataratta 2005, Milan, Italy.
  11. Phacoemulsification + IOL. EyeAdvance-2004. Mumbai, India.

Список обучающих курсов на международных конгрессах:

1. Cataract Surgery in Stressful Situations. Instructional Course Faculty & Presenter. 24th ESCRS Winter Meeting. 20-23 February 2020, Marrakesh Morocco.
2. Small pupils and IFIS. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. 24th ESCRS Winter Meeting. 20-23 February 2020, Marrakesh Morocco.
3. Subluxated crystalline lenses. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. 24th ESCRS Winter Meeting. 20-23 February 2020, Marrakesh Morocco.
4. Instructional Course “Surgery in the Setting of Ocular Comorbidities and High-Risk Features for Intraoperative and Postoperative Complications». Lecture «Intraoperative Floppy Iris». Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA. USA.
5. Instructional Course “FLACS in Challenging Situations». Lecture FLACS in Subluxated Cataract. Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA. USA.
6. Instructional Course “Optimizing Outcomes in Toric IOLs and Managing Challenging Situations ». Lecture Implantation of Toric IOL in Challenging Situations- Management options. Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA. USA.
7. Instructional Course “Solving the high myopia problem with phakic IOLs”. Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA. USA.
8. Skills Transfer Course «Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques». Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 2019. San Francisco, CA. USA.
9. Course Scleral fixated lenses. Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
10. Skills Transfer Lab «Secondary IOL Implantation». Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
11. Course International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication. Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
12. Course Iris Prostheses in Action: Surgical Tips for Challenging Cases. Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
13. Skills Transfer Lab «Iris Prostheses». Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
14. Course Phacoemulsification in Complicated Cases: Simplify the Complex. Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
15. Course Review of New Surgical Technologies and Devices (presented in Russian). Co-Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting. 3-7 May 2019, San Diego, USA.
16. Instructional Course «Complex cataract surgery». Position: course leader, presenter. Cataract Surgery In Small Pupils. 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
17. Basic Optics Course «OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice». 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
18. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course «Small pupils and IFIS». 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
19. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course «Subluxated crystalline lenses». 23rd ESCRS Winter meeting. 15-17 February 2019, Athens, Greece.
20. Instructional Course «Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Cataract Surgery in Challenging Situations». Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018. McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. USA.
21. Skills Transfer Course «Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques». Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018. McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. USA.
22. Instructional Course «Optimizing Outcomes in Toric IOLs and Managing Challenging Situations». Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018. McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. USA.
23. Instructional Course «Solving the High Myopia Problem With Phakic IOLs». Position: Co-Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018. McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. USA.
24. AAO’s Breakfast With the Experts «Femtosecond Laser Cataract Surgery in Complex Cases». American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. 27-30 October 2018
McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. USA
25. Instructional Course «Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes». Position: co-instructor. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
26. Intraocular surgery in the short eye. Main Symposium «Refractive Surgery for High Ametropia». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
27. Instructional Course «Different ways of secondary IOL implantation without capsular support in MIVS era» Presentation: Endoscopic IOL suturing. 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
28. Workshop on Visual optics. «OCT imaging». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
29. Instructional Course «Malpositioned lenses: optimal surgical management techniques». 36th ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
30. Young Ophthalmologists Program. Small pupil / Floppy Iris. XXXVI ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
31. Lunch Symposium “Antibiotic therapy”. Position: Co-moderator. XXXVI ESCRS Annual Congress. 21-26 of September 2018. Vienna, Austria.
32. Instruction Course Managing Phaco Complications in Rock Hard Cataracts. Position: co-instructor. 36th World Ophthalmology Congress. 16-19 June 2018. Barcelona, Spain.
33. Skills Transfer Session “Secondary IOL Implantation”. Position: co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
34. Skills Transfer Session “Iris Prostheses”. Position: co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
35. ASCRS Course. Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses. Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
36. ASCRS Course. International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management. Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
37. ASCRS Course. Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Tips for the Uneasy Relationship. Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
38. ASCRS Course. Iris Prostheses in Action: Surgical Tips for Challenging Cases. Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
39. ASCRS Course. Phacoemulsification in complicated cases- Simplify the complex. Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
40. ASCRS Course. 2018 New Surgical Techniques and Devices (Presented in Russian). Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
41. ASCRS Course. Phakic IOLs to Solve High Myopia Refractive Problems: Benefits and Possible Complications. Position: Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Congress. 14-17 of April 2018, Washington DC, USA
42. The Review of Cataract Surgery Technique in Small Pupils. Interactive Consultations in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s CME Course. Miami, Florida February 23-24, 2018.
43. Central Descemetorhexis without Endothelial Transplantation in Fuch’s Corneal Dystrophy. Interactive Consultations in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s CME Course. Miami, Florida February 23-24, 2018.
44. Zonular Weakness and Dialysis. Interactive Consultations in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s CME Course. Miami, Florida February 23-24, 2018.
45. Pupil Reconstruction. Interactive Consultations in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s CME Course. Miami, Florida February 23-24, 2018.
46. Challenging Cataract Cases (video presentation). Interactive Consultations in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s CME Course. Miami, Florida February 23-24, 2018.
47. “OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice”. Basic Optic Course Part 3. Imaging The Human Eye. Winter ESCRS Meeting, 9-11 February 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
48. “Small pupils and IFIS”. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. Section: Complications and Complex Cases: Advanced Phaco Techniques. Winter ESCRS Meeting, 9-11 February 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
49. “Subluxed crystalline and pseudophakic lenses”. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. Section: Complications and Complex Cases: Advanced Phaco Techniques. Winter ESCRS Meeting, 9-11 February 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
50. Skills Transfer Lab “Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques”. Position: Instructor. AAO Congress. November 11-14, 2017 New Orleans, LA.
51. Instructional Course «Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Cataract Surgery in Challenging Situations». Position: Instructor. AAO Congress. November 11-14, 2017 New Orleans, LA.
52. «Small pupil / floppy iris». Young Ophthalmologists Program. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
53. Instructional Course «Malpositioned lenses: optimal surgical management techniques» Position: Course chairman. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
54. Instructional Course «IOL implantation in eyes with deficient capsules: a video based course». Position: Course co-instructor. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
55. Instructional Course «Anterior segment OCT in corneal diseases and surgery, and cataract surgery». Position: Course co-instructor. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
56. Instructional Course «Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes» Position: Course co-instructor. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
57. «Clinical application of OCT imaging of the anterior segment of the eye». Workshop on Visual Optics. 35th Annual meeting of the ESCRS. 7-11 October 2017. Lisbon, Portugal
58. «Using the Malyugin Ring in Pediatric Cataract Surgery». Pediatric Cataract Surgery Master Class. 30th APACRS Annual meeting, 1-3 June 2017, Hangzhou, China
59. «FLACS Potpourri». Mastering FemtoPhaco. Master Class. 30th APACRS Annual meeting, 1-3 June 2017, Hangzhou, China
60. ASCRS Course: Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses. Position: Course Instructor. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
61. ASCRS Course: International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management. Position: Course Instructor. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
62. Skills Transfer Lab “Iris Prosthesis”. Position: Course Instructor. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
63. ASCRS Course: Review of New Surgical Technologies and Devices. Course Instructor. ASCRS-ASOA Congress 2017, May 5-9, 2017 Los Angeles, USA
64. IOL implantation in deficient PCs. IC «PC rupture: a video based course». 32nd APAO Congress, March, 2017 Singapore
65. «Advanced tools for increasing accuracy of Toric IOL outcomes» Instructional course: Mastering toric intraocular lenses for astigmatism Management. 75th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society 16-19 February 2017, Jaipur, India.
66. «OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice». Basic Optics Course. ESCRS 21st winter meeting, Maastricht, February 2017.
67. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. «Small pupils and IFIS». ESCRS 21st winter meeting, Maastricht, February 2017.
68. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. «Subluxated crystalline and pseudophakic lenses». ESCRS 21st winter meeting, Maastricht, February 2017.
69. IC «Laser vision correction paradigms different to sphero-cylinder by manifest refraction». Lecture «Corneal transplant: DSAEK and DMEK and their refractive corrections». 48th Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), Melbourne, Australia, November 2016
70. «FLACS in small pupil». Instructional Course “ FLACS in challenging situations” AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
71. Skills Transfer Session «Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques». Instructor. AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
72. Managing the Small Pupil: My Top 7 Pearls. Instructional Course «Phaco Pearls for the Beginner». AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
73. Nucleus Management & Cortex Aspiration Issues – Our Top Pearls. Instructional Course «Phaco Pearls for the Beginner». AAO Congress, October 2016, Chicago, USA.
74. Clinical application of OCT imaging of the anterior segment of the eye. Workshop on Visual Optics. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
75. Malpositioned lenses: optimal surgical management techniques. Instructional Course Chairman. XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
76. Small pupil/floppy iris Young Ophthalmologists Program, XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
77. «Update on the small pupil devices». Instructional Course «Glaucoma surgery for the cataract surgeon: ways to improve your outcomes and to catch up with the latest». XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
78. Instructional Course «Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes». XXXIV ESCRS Congress. September 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
79. Course «Ocular trauma and zonular dialysis». Surgical techniques to repair traumatic and hereditary zonular dialysis. VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía de Catarata. 8-10 June, 2016 México City, Mexico
80. Course «Astigmatism and cataract Surgery». Toric pseudophakic IOLs in ketatoconus patients. VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía de Catarata. 8-10 June, 2016 México City, Mexico
81. Course: «Cataract surgery in difficult cases. «Update on small pupil phaco strategies in conventional and Femtosecond laser assisted Phacoemulsification». VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía de Catarata. 8-10 June, 2016 México City, Mexico
82. Course: «Cataract surgery in difficult cases. Small pupils & zonular weakness/dialysis. VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía de Catarata. 8-10 June, 2016 México City, Mexico
83. Course: «Cataract surgery in difficult cases». Solving the issues of PC IOL intrascleral haptic fixation. VII Curso Internacional de Cirugía de Catarata. 8-10 June, 2016 México City, Mexico
84. Advanced phaco course (STS-2). Position: co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
85. Instructional course «Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses». Position: co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
86. Instructional course «International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
87. Instructional course «Challenging Cases from Around the World». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
88. Instructional course «Femtosecond Lasers in Complex Cataract Surgery». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
89. Instructional course «International Video Symposium of Advanced Techniques in Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
90. Instructional course «Review of New Surgical Technologies and Devices». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
91. Instructional course «Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Tips for the Uneasy Relationship». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
92. Instructional course «Lords of the Rings and Hooks—What’s New in 2016». Position: presenter. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, New Orleans, 6-10 May, 2016.
93. Basic Optics Course. «OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice». ESCRS 20th winter meeting, Athens, February 2016.
94. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. «Small pupils and IFIS». ESCRS 20th winter meeting, Athens, February 2016.
95. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. «Subluxated crystalline and pseudophakic lenses». ESCRS 20th winter meeting, Athens, February 2016.
96. “Scleral IOL fixation for aphakia management”. Instructional Course “Management of Aphakia: A comprehensive review of current options”. World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. 5-8 February 2016.
97. IC «Open Sesame – Dealing With the Small Pupil». Position: course instructor. AAO Annual Meeting, November 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
98. Skills Transfer Labs «Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques. Position: course instructor. AAO Annual Meeting, November 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
99. ESCRS Academy. “Cataract surgery in zonular weakness and dialysis”. 16th Congress of Serbian Ophthalmologists. Subotica, 24 September 2015.
100. ESCRS Academy. “Capsular rupture: options for IOL in-the-bag fixation”. 16th Congress of Serbian Ophthalmologists. Subotica, 24 September 2015.
101. Instructional course “Malpositioned IOLs”. 16th Congress of Serbian Ophthalmologists. Subotica, 24-27 September 2015.
102. Instructional course «Surgical management of malpositioned lenses». Position: course
leader. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
103. Instructional course «The different ways of the secondary IOL implantation without capsular support in MIVS era» Position: course faculty. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
104. Instructional course «Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes». Position: course faculty. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
105. Instructional course «Glaucoma surgery for the cataract surgeon: ways to improve your outcomes and to catch up with the latest — a video-based course». Position: course faculty. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
106. Instructional course «Anterior segment OCT for the cataract and refractive surgeon». Position: course faculty. XXXIII ESCRS Congress. September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
107. Wetlab “Phacoemulsification with different systems”. ESASO module at IMO Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
108. Wetlab “ICL implantation / explantation technique”. ESASO module at IMO Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
109. Lecture “Cataract surgery in zonular weakness and dialysis”. ESASO module at IMO Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
110. Lecture “Small pupil phaco” ESASO module at IMO Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
111. Lecture “Capsular rupture: options for IOL fixation and models”. ESASO module at IMO Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
112. Lecture “Techniques of IOLs relocation using micro endoscopy”. ESASO module at IMO Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
113. Advanced Phaco Skills Transfer Session, Instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
114. Instructional course «International Video Symposium of Advanced Techniques in Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery». Position: instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
115. Instructional course «Lords of the Rings and Hooks: New Challenges». Position: instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
116. Instructional course «Surgery for Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: The Uneasy Relationship». Position: instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
117. Instructional course «Anterior Segment Surgical Solutions for Secondary Repair of Post-Traumatic Eyes”. Position: instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
118. Instructional course «Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses». Position: instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
119. Instructional course «World Cup of Challenging Cases: Selected by the National Societies of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Around the Globe». Position: instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, April 17-21, 2015.
120. Instructional Course “Surgical Management of Malpositioned Lenses”. Position: course chairman. 30th APAO Congress, April 1-4, 2015. Guangzhou, China.
121. «OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice». Basic Optics Course. Part III «Imaging the Human Eye». 19th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, February 20-22, 2015.
122. «Small pupils and IFIS». Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. Part 2: «Next steps…». 19th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, February 20-22, 2015.
123. «Subluxed crystalline and pseudophakic lenses». Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. Part 2: «Next steps…». 19th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, February 20-22, 2015.
124. Instructional Course «Converting from SICS to Phaco». Position: presenter. 73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. February 5-7, 2015, New Delhi, India.
125. Instructional Course «Delhi Edition of Court Martial in Ophthalmology». Position: Honorable Jury Member. 73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. February 5-7, 2015, New Delhi, India.
126. Instructional Course «Lord of the Rings and Hooks». Presentation: «Pearls on the Malyugin’s ring and Modified CTR». 73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. February 5-7, 2015, New Delhi, India.
127. Phaco in small pupils and IFIS. Master class program «Complex cataract surgery situations». Position: course instructor. APACRS Meeting, November 13-16, 2014, Jaipur (India).
128. Open Sesame – Dealing With the Small Pupil. Position: course instructor. AAO Annual Meeting, October 18-21
2014, Chicago.
129. Small pupil and floppy iris. Young Ophthalmologist Program. XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
130. Clinical application of OCT imaging of the anterior segment of the eye «Workshop on Visual Optics». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
131. Course director «Surgical management of malpositioned lenses». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
132. Course instructor “Non-penetrating glaucoma surgery and canaloplasty for the occasional glaucoma surgeons”. XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
133. Course instructor. «Lords of the rings and hooks». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
134. Course instructor. «Open sesame: dealing with the small pupil». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
135. Course instructor. «Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes». XXXII ESCRS Congress. September 2014, London, UK.
136. Course instructor. «Relocation or Explantation — Why, When & How?» World Ophthalmology Congress, Tokyo, April 2014.
137. OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice. ESCRS Basic Optics Course. 18th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2014.
138. Video presentations “Small Pupils”, “Zonular diaysis”. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course: Complications and complex cases — Advanced phaco techniques. 18th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2014.
139. Skills Transfer Program. «Phacoemulsification and Advanced Techniques: The Core Curriculum. Instructional course faculty member. AAO 2013 Annual meeting, New Orleans.
140. New York Eye & Ear Infirmary course faculty member. “Cataract Surgery in the Stratosphere: Tackling Advanced and Challenging Surgical Problems”. New York, 2013.
141. Instructional course lead instructor. Surgical management of malpositioned lenses. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
142. Instructional course faculty member. Slicing and dicing: explanting and implanting secondary IOL’s – video course. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
143. Instructional course faculty member. Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
144. Instructional course faculty member. Advanced microsheathed coaxial phaco/microphaco techniques and bi-axial microphaco in challenging cataracts. XXXI-th ESCRS Meeting, Amsterdam 2013.
145. Advanced Phaco Skills Transfer Session. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
146. Instructional Course «Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Tips for Uneasy Relationship». ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
147. Instructional Course «Deep Sclerectomy and Canaloplasty for New Glaucoma Surgeon»s. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
148. Instructional Course «Mission Possible: Phacoemulsification in Difficult and Challenging Cases». ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
149. Instructional Course «Phacoemulsification in Challenging Cataracts» ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
150. Instructional Course «Lords of the Rings and Hooks». ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
151. Video presentation: Complicated cataract case. Advanced Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery: International Video Symposium. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
152. Video presentation: Complicated cataract case. Video Symposium on Challenging cases. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013.
153. Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses. ASCRS Meeting, San Francisco, USA 2013
154. OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice. ESCRS Basic Optics Course. 17th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, February 2013
155. Video presentation «Subluxed crystalline and pseudophakic lenses» Cataract Surgery Didactic Course: Complications and complex cases — Advanced phaco techniques. 17th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, February 2013
156. Video presentation “Small pupils and IFIS”. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course: Complications and complex cases — Advanced phaco techniques. 17th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, February 2013
157. Cataract Surgery: The Cutting Edge. Symposia Presenter and Discussant. AAO Meeting, Chicago, November 2012.
158. Surgical Video Symposium. “Marfan’s syndrome management with the MST capsular hooks and modified CTR”. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
159. Capsule complications, anterior vitrectomy. Young Ophthalmologists Program. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
160. Luncheon Symposium «Complex cataract cases. Simple Truths». ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
161. Slicing and dicing — explanting and implanting secondary IOL’s: video course. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
162. Video Symposium on Challenging Cases. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
163. Management of co-existing cataract and glaucoma: surgical challenges. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
164. Imaging the Human Eye: Clinical application of OCT imaging of the anterior segment of the eye. Workshop on Visual Optics. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
165. Non-penetrating glaucoma surgery and canaloplasty for new glaucoma surgeons. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
166. Secondary IOL implantation in MIVS era. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
167. Malpositioned lenses: techniques for surgical management. ESCRS Congress. September 2012, Milan, Italy
168. Course: Small pupil cataract surgery. Co-chairmans: Dr. Tokuda, Dr. Inoue. Presentation «Pearls on the use of the Malyugin Ring». Japanese Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JSCRS) meeting, 14-17 June 2012, Tokyo
169. Course «Endocapsular rings / Other resources». XII International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 30th May – 2nd of June, 2012. Anhembi Parque, São Paulo, Brazil.
170. ASCRS Skills Transfer Session Faculty. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
171. ASCRS Course Faculty. Advanced Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery: International Video Symposium. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
172. ASCRS Course Faculty. Lords of the Rings and Hooks. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
173. ASCRS Course Faculty. Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Tips for the Uneasy Relationship. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
174. ASCRS Course Faculty. International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
175. ASCRS Course Faculty. Surgical Management of Subluxated Crystalline and Intraocular Lenses. ASCRS Congress 2012, 20-24 April, Chicago (USA)
176. «OCT imaging, from research to clinical practice». Basic Optics Course presentation. ESCRS Winter Meeting. February 1-5, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
177. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. Video symposium «Complications and complex cases». Video «Small pupil». ESCRS Winter Meeting. February 1-5, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
178. Course «Lords of the rings and hooks». Course co-instructor. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
179. Course: «Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery». Course co-instructor. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
180. Course «Cataract. What will you do? ». Course co-instructor. WOC 2012, February 16–20, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
181. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. Video symposium «Complications and complex cases». Video «Small pupil». ESCRS Winter Meeting. February 1-5, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
182. Management of Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Surgical challenges. ESCRS course co-instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2011.
183. Slicing and dicing-explanting and implanting secondary IOL’s — movie time» ESCRS course co-instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2011.
184. Malpositioned Lenses — Techniques of Surgical Management. ESCRS course chairman. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2011.
185. Anterior segment surgical solutions for secondary repair of post-traumatic eyes. ESCRS course co-instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, Vienna 2011.
186. Surgical Management of Subluxated Lenses: Principles and Practice. ASCRS course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
187. Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Tips for the Uneasy Relationship. ASCRS course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
188. Phacoemulsification: Advanced techniques and complications ASCRS course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
189. Lords of the Rings and Hooks. ASCRS Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
190. International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management. ASCRS Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
191. Simple and Easy Deep Sclerotomy and Canaloplasty Techniques for Glaucoma. ASCRS Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
192. Russian Paper Session. ASCRS Course co-instructor. ASCRS/ASOA Meeting, San Diego, 2011.
193. Advanced Cataract Techniques. Course director. APAO, Beijing 2010.
194. Lens Surgery after Previous Refractive surgery. Course co-instructor. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
195. Video symposium on challenging cases. Small pupil phaco. Course co-instructor. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
196. Non-penetrating deep sclerectomy to canaloplasty — variations and strategies. Course co-instructor. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
197. Vanquishing complicated cataract situations: a video course. Course co-instructor. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
198. Management of Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma. Surgical challenges. Course co-instructor. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
199. Tips and Tricks for Surgical Management of Malpositioned Lenses. Course director. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
200. Anterior segment surgical solutions for repairing post-traumatic eyes. Course co-instructor. XXVIII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris 2010.
201. Advanced Biaxial Microphaco and Coaxial Phaco/ Microphaco Techniques in Challenging (White and Suprahard) Cataracts: A Video Course. Presentation: C-MICS with the Newer Machines (Stellaris) in White and Suprahard Cataracts. Course co-instructor. WOC. Berlin, June 2010.
202. Lords of the Rings and Hooks. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
203. International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management in Cataract Surgery. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
204. Management of Malpositioned Lenses: Techniques and Novel Ideas. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
205. Subluxated IOLs: Relocation Techniques. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
206. International Video Symposium of Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
207. Coexisting Cataract and Glaucoma: Tips for the Uneasy Relationship. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
208. Complicated Scenarios in Cataract Surgery. Course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress. Boston, USA, April 2010.
209. Video presentation on complicated cataract case. Cataract Surgery Didactic Course. 14th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Budapest 2010.
210. Practice Development Workshop “How to incorporate premium technology into your practice in the new European environment”. Co-instructor. 14th ESCRS Winter Meeting, Budapest 2010.
211. Master class in phacoemulsification. Panelist. 68th Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society in conjunction with Afro Asian Congress of Ophthalmology. January 21-24, 2010, Kolkata, India.
212. Video Symposium on Challenging Cases. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
213. A video bouquet of phaco complications, which should never, had occurred: with tips on damage control and prevention to optimize postoperative outcome. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
214. Surgical management of malpositioned lenses: tips and tricks. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
215. Vanquishing complicated cataract situations: a video course. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
216. Anterior segment surgical solutions for repairing post-traumatic eyes. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
217. Tackling complex phaco situations. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
218. Phacoemulsification of subluxated lenses: New techniques, instrumentation and devices for successful management. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
219. The management of advanced glaucoma with penetrating and nonpenetrating techniques. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
220. Cataract surgery and glaucoma: surgical challenges. XXVII-th ESCRS Congress, Barcelona, 2009.
221. Cataract associated with persistent fetal vasculature syndrome. Challenging Cataract Cases in Children Symposium. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
222. Cataract surgery in patient with PFV syndrome. Challenging Cases in Cataract Surgery Symposium. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
223. Cataract Surgery in Patient with congenital coloboma of choroid. International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complications in Cataract Surgery. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
224. Pupil reconstruction in patient with Urrets-Zavalia syndrome. International Video Symposium of Cataract & Anterior Segment Surgery. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
225. Small Pupil Phaco. Course: Coexisting cataract and glaucoma: tips for the uneasy relationship. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
226. Management of traumatic cataract with severe zonular damage. Course: Phacoemulsification of subluxated lenses: new techniques, instrumentation and devices for successful management. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
227. Microendoscopy-assisted IOL scleral Suturing. Course: Management of malpositioned lenses and secondary IOL implantation: techniques and new ideas. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
228. The complete MICS solution with the Stellaris system and the MI60 IOL. Course: Premium phaco: coaxial microincision surgery. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
229. Small Pupil Phaco with 1.8 mm C-MICS. Course: Phaco complications and management. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
230. Two string plate haptic IOL suclus fixation. Microendoscopy & ciliary sulcus PC IOL scleral suturing. Course: Subluxated IOLs: relocation techniques. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
231. Small pupil phaco with Malyugin Ring. Vanquishing complicated cataract situations: Video course. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
232. A technique of cataract surgery with posterior vitrectomy done through anterior capsulorhexis. Course: Phacoemulsification in the eyes with coexistent vitreo-retinal pathologies. ASCRS course co-instructor. San Francisco, April 2009.
233. Ruptured posterior capsule and what lens now? Young Ophthalmologists Program. Basic Phaco Course; Course Instructor. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
234. Vanquishing cataracts in complicated cases: A video course. Course Instructor. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
235. Pseudophakic capsular contraction syndrome management. Video Symposium on Challenging Cases. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
236. Advanced biaxial microphaco and coaxial phaco/microphaco techniques in challenging (white and suprahard) cataracts. Instructional video course. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
237. Sublaxated IOLs Relocating techniques. Instructional course. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
238. Tips and tricks for surgical management of malpositioned lenses. Instructional course. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
239. Cataract Surgery And Glaucoma: Surgical Challenges. Instructional Course. ESCRS Congress, Berlin, September 2008.
240. Skills Transfer Session: Advanced Phaco. ASCRS course co-instructor. ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
241. Capsular phymosis management with 25G and Malyugin Ring. International Video Symposium of Challenging Cases and Complication Management. Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
242. Management of traumatic cataract complicated by large zonular dialysis. Advanced Cataract and Anterior Segment Surgery: International Video Symposium. Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
243. Two-string technique for plate haptic IOLs, Microendoscopy assisted IOL scleral suturing technique. Subluxated IOLs: Relocation Techniques. EyeSpaceMD Course. Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
244. Microendoscopy assisted IOL scleral suturing techniques. Management of Malpositioned Lenses: Techniques and Novel Ideas. Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, Chicago, April 2008.
245. Coaxial microphaco in small pupil cases. Instructional Course: Advanced Biaxial Microphaco And Coaxial Phaco/Microphaco Techniques In Challenging (White And Suprahard) Cataracts: A Video Course. Course Instructor. ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, September 2007.
246. Cataract surgery in the patient with the large zonular dialysis// Video Symposium on Challenging Cases; Course Instructor. ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, September 2007.
247. Ruptured posterior capsule and what lens now? Young Ophthalmologists Programme. Basic Phaco Course; Course Instructor. ESCRS Congress, Stockholm, September 2007.
248. Advanced phaco. Skills transfer session; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Diego, USA, April 2007.
249. International video symposium on challenging cases and complications; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Diego, USA, April 2007.
250. Techniques and tips for surgical management of malpositioned lenses; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Diego, USA, April 2007.
251. Coaxial phacoemulsification and microphacoemulsification in white intumescent, mature and hypermature cataract; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
252. International video symposium on challenging cases and complications; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
253. Successfully phaco’ing the hardest cataract: A video course; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
254. Surgical management of malpositioned IOLs by scleral and iris fixation; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, San Francisco, USA, March 2006.
255. Management of malpositioned IOLs. Conventional vs microendoscopy-assisted techniques; Course Instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
256. LASIK: customizing ablation for grossly aberrated penetrating keratoplasty corneas; Course Instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
257. Refractive lens exchange; Course Instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
258. Aberrometric and corneal wavefront-guided LASIK for highly aberrated corneas – a clearer view; Course Instructor. XXIV-th ESCRS Congress, London, Gr. Britain, September 2006.
259. Microphaco – the final frontier in cataract surgery; Course Instructor. ASCRS Congress, Washington, USA, April 2005.
260. Phaco-ing suprachard cataracts: Their successful and safe management; Course Instructor. XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, September 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
261. Refractive lens exchange; Course Instructor. XXIII-rd ESCRS Congress, September 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
262. Phaco cataract surgery – avoiding and managing complications; Course Instructor. XXII-th ESCRS Congress, Paris, France, September 2004.